Adding a Recipe Grid Control to a GraphWorX64 Display

The Recipe Grid control in GraphWorX64 provides the ability to view recipe data in a database-like structure in Runtime to integrate with configured display functions.


To Create a Recipe Grid Control inside a GraphWorX64 Display:

  1. Open GraphWorX64.

  2. Create a new display or open an existing one.

  3. On the ribbon, go to the Controls tab.

Selecting the Recipe Grid Control in GraphWorX64

  1. Click the Recipe Grid icon. This changes the cursor pointer to a crosshairs [+]. Using the crosshairs, draw a rectangle on the display canvas where you want the grid to be added. The selected area will look similar to the image below.

Recipe Grid Control Example in Configuration Mode in GraphWorX64

  1. Go to the Recipe Grid Control Configuration ribbon.

Recipe Grid Control Configuration Ribbon


The ribbon's buttons are used only in a Recipe Grid Control that has been added to the GraphWorX64 display. Each button on the ribbon, as well as the configurator that the ribbon opens, is described below.



Show/Hide elements

  1. Click the Configure button. This opens the configurator, shown below, where you can configure the grid.

Recipe Grid Control "Configure your Control" Window

  1. Set your desired properties for the Appearance and Advanced tags at both the Recipe Grid Control and Tab levels of the configurator.

  2. Selecting the Grid level of the configuration allows you to change properties in the following tabs, as shown below:

Multiple Grid Property Tabs in Recipe Grid Control Configuration

  1. Once you have configured the Grid properties using each of the tabs, click the Close button.

See Also:

Source Tab

Appearance Tab

Behavior Tab

Column Tab

Condition Tab

Grouping Tab

Grouping Range Tab

Text Translator Tab

Status Indicator Tab

Rules Tab

Advanced Tab