

In addition to the multiple new features and improvements in this latest release, GENESIS64 contains new Commanding options that can be found within both GraphWorX64 and within the AssetWorX provider in the Workbench configuration tool.


These new Commanding options help users perform wide and varied tasks throughout the GENESIS64 suite, reducing the need for specialized scripting to perform the same actions.


Setting Command Properties in GraphWorX64


Setting Command Properties in AssetWorX in the Workbench


Note: Commands can now be executed on events. Click HERE for more info.

Commanding in GraphWorX64

Once you have created a new display (or are working on a display in progress), you can add a Dynamic element to the display that can be used to interact with added Controls within that display (for instance, a GraphWorX64 Viewer or a TrendWorX64 Viewer or an AlarmWorX64 Viewer, etc).


Control Options within GraphWorX64


Once you have added your desired separate elements within your GraphWorX64 display, you can enable commanding on a specific Dynamic element. In the example below, we want to create a titled button to acknowledge the alarms within an AlarmWorX64 Control within the same GraphWorX64 display.


An Example of Applying a Command to a GraphWorX64 Dynamic Element

  1. First, create a new GraphWorX64 display, as usual.

  2. You can add the needed elements in any order. Select the AlarmWorX64 Viewer from the Controls (for this example, we're using a sample control, but you could proceed in connecting the viewer [via the AlarmWorX64 Configuration tab once activated] to your own desired data source for the alarms), then draw a box to drop the viewer into.

  3. Select a button from the Buttons section of the Dynamics ribbon. In our example, we selected a button where we can label it as "Acknowledge", as shown below.

  4. With the new "Acknowledge" button selected, we can now select the appropriate Command from the Command pulldown in the Dynamics properties. (The Dynamics tab should appear on the bottom right, if not already selected).

  5. Set the "Command" pulldown to "Acknowledge". [Notice that once you have selected a particular Command that the Command Parameters below change accordingly. For this example, we will proceed with the parameters "as is".

  6. You can now save the display or click on "Runtime" to test the new commanding button.

An Example of Commanding in GraphWorX64


This is just a simple example of what the Commanding feature within GraphWorX64 can do.


Click HERE for an example of enabling commands through the Asset Navigator Control in GraphWorX64.




Here is the full list of currently available commands:


Local Commands

Global Commands



Local Commands

Close Window

The Close Window command closes the GraphWorX64 display window when this pick action occurs during runtime.


Command parameters are:

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Display Back and Display Forward

GraphWorX64 maintains a history of the last 50 displays. You can navigate through the display history using the pick commands Display Back and Display Forward. These commands work similarly to Microsoft Internet Explorer's back/forward feature.


Note: The display file history (forward/back commands) remembers the initial alias settings specified when a display is opened and will reset those aliases when you go back to that display in the file history.

Command parameters for Display Back and Display Forward are:

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Load Display

The Load Display command opens a GraphWorX64 display window of the type that you specify with the properties that you define. The window can be dependent or independent, modal or non-modal, independent or embedded, or it can even refer to the current display (which is a refresh operation). You can specify other parameters such what loads in the display.


For help understanding how to manage windows through commands, refer to the topic Windows Dynamics. Aliases can be used with this command; for more information, refer to Aliasing and Pick Actions.


Command parameters are:

The TargetType parameter is used in conjunction with the TargetName parameter (see description below) to designate which display window to open into.




If TargetType is Self: (TargetName is unused):

This is the default target type.




If TargetType is WindowOwnedPopup:

Window owned popups will always stay above the owner window and will be minimized when the owner window is minimized. Window owned popups remain open even if the display is changed in the owner window. Window owned popups will be automatically closed when the owner window exits runtime or is closed.




If TargetType is DisplayOwnedPopup:



If TargetType is DisplayOwnedModalPopup:



If TargetType is WindowOwnedModalPopup:



If TargetType is UnownedPopup:



If TargetType is Embedded:



If TargetType is Parent:



If TargetType is Root: (TargetName is unused)

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Login/Logout Dialog

The Login/Logout Dialog command opens a dialog in which the runtime user can log in or log out. For more information, refer to Logging in and out of GraphWorX64. There are no command parameters for this command.


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Play Sound

The Play Sound command allows for a selected sound to be played upon triggering of a dynamic. The parameters for this command are:

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Popup Menu

The Popup Menu command opens a popup menu. Popup menus are often used to allow runtime users to switch aliases or languages, or to open one display out of a set. They are a great way of providing user interaction so that your display can have situational logic. You can configure the size, font, and position of the popup.


Popup Menu has one command parameter. MenuPosition, determines the position of the popup menu in relation to the parent object. Select MousePoint to pop up the menu at the current mouse position at runtime. Specify Left, Right, Top, or Bottom to pop up the menu to the left or right, top or bottom of the parent graphical object.


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Run Report

NOTE: The Run Report command is for the 32-bit version of ReportWorX. For executing ReportWorX64 reports, see Executing Reports on a Button Press or Command.


The Run Report command executes an ICONICS ReportWorX report during runtime. For more information about ReportWorX, refer to the ReportWorX documentation on the ICONICS BizViz product CD.


Run Report's command parameters are:

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Run Script

The Run Script command runs a JScript .NET script only. There are no command parameters for this command.


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Run Transaction

The Run Transaction command executes an ICONICS BridgeWorX transaction during runtime. For more information about BridgeWorX, please refer to the BridgeWorX documentation on the ICONICS BizViz product CD. .


Command parameters for Run Transaction are:

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Runtime Menu Command

The Runtime Menu Command executes a command that is currently available on the GraphWorX64 runtime menu.


Command parameters are:

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Set Global Aliases

The Set Global Aliases command sets a global alias theme at runtime for the This Display object when the pick dynamic is triggered. Global aliases are stored and maintained in a SQL Server database.


This setting has one command parameter:

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Set Language

The Set Language command sets the runtime language to a language of your choosing. At runtime, string substitutions (which the Language Alias System SQL database manages) translate items in the runtime display to the specified language. For example, use this command in a button that Spanish-speakers can click in order to see the runtime display in Spanish. Refer to the topic Language Aliases for more details. For additional information, refer to Aliasing and Pick Actions.


This setting has one command parameter:

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Set Local Aliases

The Set Local Aliases command sets the value of one or more local aliases for the This Display object or for a specific object in the display. The local aliases are used for connecting to data in runtime mode. Local aliases are stored with the display in memory. Aliasing and Pick Actions describes the use of local aliases (including object-specific local aliases) with pick actions.


Command parameters for Set Local Aliases are:

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Set Object Visibility

The Set Object Visibility command applies a hide or show dynamic to an object based on a condition and using the trigger you specify. Command parameters are:

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Set View

The Set View command sets the view. This command is useful if the display has views defined for it; for more information refer to Creating 2D Views for Runtime Users and Controlling the Runtime Behavior of 3D Views. Command parameters for Set View are listed below.

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Start Application

The Start Application command launches a file or URL and opens the specified application or document in runtime mode. In addition to launching executables, you can launch various documents, including Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, HTML files, and text files. The registered application is automatically started when the file is launched.


This relatively simple command action requires that you specify as command parameters the FileName of the executable or document, as well as any command line Arguments to be passed when the application starts.


Tip: You could pass the command processor CMD.exe to the Start Application command, and by doing so provide a batch file as the input, or use a command as an argument. This opens up a powerful method for controlling devices, setting environmental variables, and performing any system or management function (WMI for example) that you can from a command line.


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Toggle Value

The Toggle Value command toggles between two or more specified values or states during runtime using an action that you specify. Make sure you specify a DataSource property (the data source the toggled value is written to) and specify True for the Data Write Confirm property. Command parameters for the Toggle Value command are:

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Update Database

The Update Database command queries the database attached to the OPC UA data source with the current values of tags that you specify based on the runtime condition or action that triggers the pick action. It updates the data mining server by writing any value to a data mining tag exposed by this server. There are no command parameters for this command.


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Write Value

The Write Value command writes a value (one that you specify or a value of a tag) to another tag. Make sure you specify a DataSource property (the data source the value is written to) and specify True for the Data Write Confirm property. Also, make sure the Update property is set to True. Command parameters for the Write Value command are listed below.


To enable a Command Parameter property, set its corresponding property in the Execution Trigger - When section to True. Click the property's ellipsis [...] button to open the Data Browser to select a tag or file.

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Global Commands

Acknowledge Command

The Acknowledge command allows a user to acknowledge alarms in an associated AlarmWorX64 Viewer.


When an alarm requires acknowledgement, the typical steps for acknowledging the alarm are:

  1. An alarm is triggered and is added to the alarm grid on which it is used. (Only enabled alarms are triggered. An alarm that is not enabled is considered to be an alarm that is not ready for use or an alarm that is being decommissioned. Alarms are enabled when they are added to the alarm server, using the General tab of the AlarmWorX64 Server tag form.)

  2. A runtime operator acknowledges the alarm; this puts the alarm into an Acknowledged state.

  3. When the alarm condition no longer exists, the alarm leaves the grid as long as its acknowledgement requirements have been met.

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the AlarmWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Acknowledge command are:

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Add Favorite Command

The Add Favorite command inserts a new favorite asset in target Asset Navigator's favorites folder.


Parameters for the Add Favorite command are:

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Add Operator Comment Command

The Add Operator command adds an operator comment for data selected in a target control. The command is supported by TrendWorX64 Viewer and the Fault Viewer.


Parameters for the Add Operator command are:

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Apply Discard Command

The Apply Discard command performs a selected action in a target GridWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Apply Discard command are:

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Batch Command

The Batch command defines a "mini program" to execute multiple commands using conditions and jumps, which can be based on step results.


Parameters for the Batch command are:

Steps Properties



Configure Command Window


Depending on how a step is executed, one of three continuation paths is chosen. These include:

Option Definitions:

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Call Method Command

The Call Method command calls a method or task from within Platform Services. These methods can be parameterized or not and range from simple data writing to complex calculations or actions. Due to this, the Parameters field can be filled with whatever is necessary to pass to the custom method. Methods must be coded in C# and can be used in combination with the Jscript.NET scripting engine of GraphWorX64. The ICONICS Application Note "GENESIS64 - Custom Server Methods in Platform Services" includes two examples and instructions to begin creating a custom command.


Parameters for the Call Method command are:

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Create Pen Command

The Create Pen command adds a new pen into a target TrendWorX64 Viewer using the following parameters. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to a TrendWorX64 Viewer control.

Parameters for the Create Pen command are:

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Custom Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to third-party controls that implement the ICONICS commanding interface.


Parameters for the Custom Command command are:

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Delete Pen Command

The Delete Pen command will remove a pen from a TrendWorX64 Viewer. This command requires a target which can be a TrendWorX64 Viewer in GraphWorX64 or PortalWorX_SL. The name of the pen and the target viewer are the parameters for this command. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Delete Pen command are:

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Edit Pen Command

The Edit Pen command will edit a pen within a TrendWorX64 Viewer. This command requires a target which can be a TrendWorX64 Viewer in GraphWorX64. The name of the pen and the target viewer are the parameters for this command. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Edit Pen command are:

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Edit Trend Chart

The Edit Trend Chart command can be used to change a wide variety of properties of an existing TrendWorX64 Viewer chart and legend, such as sampling interval and whether the legend is visible.


When configuring the Edit Trend Chart command, first edit the SelectedProperties parameter, and select the properties of the chart you would like to change.  Properties that are selected will then show up as additional parameters of the command.


This powerful new command can be used along with the new batch commands and the command event support to configure your TrendWorX64 Viewer with drilldown actions.


Parameters for the Edit Trend Chart command are:

Configuration Window

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Execute Commands

The Execute Commands command executes commands that already exist on that particular asset/equipment. The added commands can be specified in the Commands text entry field, each separated by a semicolon (with no spaces). The Execute Commands command can be made visible while the executed commands are invisible. This command is only available for AssetWorX, because GraphWorX64 has its own support for aggregating pick actions.


Parameters for the Execute Commands command are:

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Expand Collapse Command

The Expand Collapse command will allow users to change the levels shown in the Asset Navigator by expanding or collapsing the assets to a desired level. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the AlarmWorX64 Viewer, GridWorX64 Viewer, and Asset Navigator controls.


Parameters for the Expand Collapse command are:

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Export Data Command

Parameters for the Export Data command are:

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Export Image Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer, Energy AnalytiX Viewer, and FDD Viewer controls.


Parameters for the Export Image command are:

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Export Statistic Command

The Export Statistic command just shows the Export Statistics dialog using default options (no intermediate dialog is displayed). The parameter ReportName is currently unused as the report doesn’t provide a dedicated field. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer control.


The report generated by the Export Statistic command with a TrendWorX64 Viewer target has been enhanced to be more customizable. Previously, running the Export Statistic command with a target of a TrendWorX64 Viewer would perform the same action as selecting the Export Statistics button in the trend viewer toolbar, which was to display a report that then could be saved to CSV or other formats.


Now, the action taken by the command depends on the TrendWorX64 Viewer configuration. The command itself has no new parameters, but in the target TrendWorX64 Viewer, the user can select the chart, go to the Data tab, and select the Configure button next to Statistics Export. Similar to the preexisting data export configuration, the statistics export configuration presents various configurable settings for the statistics report, including which columns to include in the report and whether to export visible pens.


By default, the Export Statistic command now immediately saves the report to a CSV file, but the user can return to the legacy behavior of opening the report page by selecting Use legacy export in the statistics export settings.


This functionality of the Export Statistic command is currently only supported in desktop (WPF) and Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Equivalent functionality for the HTML5 trend viewer is planned for a future version.


Parameters for the Export Statistic command are:

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Go To Location Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the EarthWorX Viewer control.


Parameters for the Go To Location command are:

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Group Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the AlarmWorX64 Viewer and GridWorX64 Viewer controls.


Parameters for the Group Location command are:

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Load Alarm Configuration Command

The Load Alarm Configuration command opens an AlarmWorX file of alarms inside an AlarmWorX Viewer when a runtime user selects the menu option. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the AlarmWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Load Alarm Configuration command are:

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Load DataGrid Configuration Command

The Load DataGrid Configuration command, used with GridWorX, will locate and load a GDXX (WPF-based) file format that contains GridWorX Configurations. Users can specify the file name and path of the file as well as any desired target.


Parameters for the Load DataGrid Configuration command are:

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Load Energy Data Command

The Load Energy Data command opens an Energy AnalytiX Configuration (.eav) file created using the Energy AnalytiX Web part. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the Energy AnalytiX Viewer control.


Parameters for the Load Energy Data command are:

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Load Executed Reports Command

The Load Executed Reports command loads a folder of reports for viewing. Note that this command does not execute the reports, it simply displays executed reports that reside in a folder. For example, you can store energy reports in one folder and use this command to open the folder of reports for display when a runtime user selects it from the equipment's right-click menu. (Alternatively, you can use the Load Report command to open one report that has been executed.) You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the ReportWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Load Executed Reports command are:

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Load Executed Transactions Command

The Load Execute Transactions command loads a list of data transaction reports from specific folder into a target BridgeWorX Viewer.


Parameters for the Load Executed Transactions command are:

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Load Facility Data Command

The Load Facility Data command opens an FDDWorX Configuration (.fav) file created using the FDDWorX Web part in the Workbench. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the FDD Viewer control.


Parameters for the Load Facility Data command are:

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Load Graphics Display Command

The Load Graphics Display command opens a GraphWorX display file inside a GraphWorX Viewer when a runtime user selects the menu option. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Load Graphics Display command are:

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Load KPI Dashboard

Parameters for the Load KPI Dashboard command are:

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Load Mobile Layout Command

Parameters for the Load Mobile Layout command are:

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Load Report Command

The Load Report command displays a report for viewing. Note that this command does not execute the report, it simply displays a report that has already been executed. For example, if a report ran over the weekend, this command can open it for display when a runtime user selects it from the equipment's right-click menu. (Alternatively, you can use the Load Executed Reports command to open an entire folder of reports.) You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the ReportWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Load Report command are:

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Load Schedule Control Configuration

The Load Schedule Control Configuration command opens a calendar inside a Schedule Control when a runtime user selects the menu option. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the Schedule Control.


Parameters for the Load Schedule Control Configuration command are:

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Load Transaction Command

The Load Transaction command loads a data transaction report by name into a target BridgeWorX Viewer.


Parameters for the Load Transaction command are:

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Load Trend Configuration Command

The Load Trend Configuration command opens a TrendWorX trend file inside a TrendWorX Viewer when a runtime user selects the menu option. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Load Trend Configuration command are:

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Load URL Command

The Load URL command loads a URL when a runtime user selects the menu option. You can use this command to load a frequently-used online tool, a corporate Web site, a vendor's page for placing an order, or an interactive page for requesting service.


Parameters for the Load URL Command are:

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Log Event Command

The Log Event command allows for logging custom simple or tracking events.


Parameters for the Log Event Command are:

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Login Dialog Command

The Login Dialog command will pop up the Security Login Dialog when triggered. There are no parameters to configure for the Login Dialog in GraphWorX64.


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Navigate Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer, TrendWorX64 Viewer, AlarmWorX64 Viewer, GridWorX64 Viewer, Energy AnalytiX Viewer, and FDD Viewer controls. Note that you can apply only the Back and Forward navigation types to a GraphWorX64 Viewer control, and you need to apply this command to grids within the Energy AnalytiX Viewer and FDD Viewer controls.


Parameters for the Navigate command are:

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Open URL Command

The Open URL command opens a URL when a runtime user selects the menu option. You can use this command to go to a frequently-used online tool, a corporate Web site, a vendor's page for placing an order, or an interactive page for requesting service.  


Parameters for the Open URL command are:

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Print Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer control. Parameters for the Print command are:

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Recipe: Copy Command

This command can be invoked by right-clicking on a recipe item in the Recipe Navigator and choosing “Copy Recipe Item” from the context menu. It can also be configured as a Pick action command in GraphWorX64. The command copies a selected recipe item from the Tree Explorer. Parameters for the Recipe: Copy command are:

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Recipe: Delete Command

This command can be invoked by right-clicking on a recipe item in the Recipe Navigator and choosing “Delete Recipe Item” from the context menu. It can also be configured as a Pick action command in GraphWorX64. It deletes the selected recipe item from the Tree Explorer. Parameters for the Recipe: Delete command are:

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Recipe: Download Command

This command can be invoked by right-clicking on a recipe item in the Recipe Navigator and choosing “Download Recipe” from the context menu. It can also be configured as a Pick action command in GraphWorX64. It downloads the values of the selected recipe item to the OPC tags. Parameters for the Recipe: Download command are:

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Recipe: Load Command

This command can be invoked by right-clicking on a recipe item in the Recipe Navigator and choosing “Load Recipe” from the context menu. It can also be configured as a Pick action command in GraphWorX64. It loads the recipe item selected in the Recipe Navigator into the Recipe Grid control. Parameters for the Recipe: Load command are:

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Recipe: New Command

This command can be invoked by right-clicking on a recipe in the Recipe Navigator and choosing “New Recipe Item” from the context menu. It can also be configured as a Pick action command in GraphWorX64. It creates a new child recipe item under the selected recipe in the Tree Explorer. Parameters for the Recipe: New command are:

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Recipe: Save Command

This command can be invoked by right-clicking on a recipe item in the Recipe Navigator and choosing “Save Recipe” from the context menu. It can also be configured as a Pick action command in GraphWorX64. It applies changes to the dataset that is loaded into the Recipe Grid control. Parameters for the Recipe: Save command are:

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Recipe: Upload Command

This command can be invoked by right-clicking on a recipe item in the Recipe Navigator and choosing “Upload Recipe” from the context menu. It can also be configured as a Pick action command in GraphWorX64. It uploads the values from the OPC tags and updates those values in the database for the selected recipe item. Parameters for the Recipe: Upload command are:

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Refresh Command

You can use this command to refresh a display requiring an updated view. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Refresh command are:

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Remove Favorite Command

The Remove Favorite Command removes a specific or selected favorite in a target Asset Navigator.


Parameters for the Remove Favorite command are:

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Run Report Command

The Run Report command executes a report using ICONICS ReportWorX when a runtime user selects the menu option.


For more information about ReportWorX, refer to the ReportWorX documentation on the ICONICS BizViz product CD.


Parameters for the Run Report command are:

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Run Script Command

The parameters for the Run Script command are:

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Run Transaction Command

The Run Transaction command executes an ICONICS BridgeWorX transaction when a runtime user selects the menu option. For example, if you use BridgeWorX to populate a database table for us in reports, you can use this command to launch that service.


Parameters for the Run Transaction command are:

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Save Configuration Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer, AlarmWorX64 Viewer, GridWorX64 Viewer, Energy AnalytiX Viewer, and FDD Viewer controls. Parameters for the Save Configuration command are:

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The Scan command


Parameters for the Scan command are:

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Schedule Clear Override

The Schedule Clear Override command allows you to Clear an Override to an existing Schedule, similar to that set via Runtime Tab in the Schedule Control in GraphWorX64.


Parameters for the Schedule Clear Override command are:

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Schedule Event

The Schedule Override command allows users to perform common scheduling actions for the ScheduleWorX64 Viewer control. The command can be used to create, edit, and delete events. The Action parameter determines which of the three subcommands (Create, Delete, or Edit) is executed.


Parameters for the Schedule Event command are:

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Schedule Override

The Schedule Override command allows you to activate an Override for an existing Schedule, similar to that set via the Runtime Tab in the Schedule Control in GraphWorX64.


Parameters for the Schedule Override command are:

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Select Asset Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the Energy AnalytiX Viewer, FDD Viewer, and Asset Navigator controls.


Parameters for the Select Asset command are:

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Select Element Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer, TrendWorX64 Viewer, AlarmWorX64 Viewer, GridWorX64 Viewer, Energy AnalytiX Viewer, and FDD Viewer controls. Note that the element types you can select with this command depend on the control to which you are applying the command:

Parameters for the Select Element command are:

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Select View

Parameters for the Select View command are:

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Send Alert Email

Parameters for the Send Alert Email command are:

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Send Alert Page

Parameters for the Send Alert Page command are:

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Send Notification

The Send Notification command can be used to send new push notifications to to clients subscribed to specific topic(s).


Parameters for the Send Notification command are:

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Set Fault Incident State Command

The Set Fault Incident State Command changes the state of all, specific, or selected faults in a target Fault Viewer. Can optionally show a runtime dialog to confirm or fine-tune the parameters.


Parameters for the Set Fault Incident State command are:

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Set Filter Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the AlarmWorX64 Viewer and GridWorX64 Viewer controls. Parameters for the Set Filter command are:

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Set Freeze Mode Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer control. Parameters for the Set Freeze Mode command are:

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Set Global Aliases Command

The Set Global Aliases command sets a global alias theme when a runtime user selects the menu option. This is helpful for runtime users who must review GENESIS64 displays or reports for different locations for which unique global aliases are set. You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer, GridWorX64 Viewer, and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer control.


Parameters for the Set Global Aliases command are:

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Set Global Color Theme Command

Parameters for the Set Global Color Theme command are:

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Set Language Command

Parameters for the Set Language command are:

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Set Period Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer control. Parameters for the Set Period command are:

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Set Time Range Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer, GridWorX64 Viewer, and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the TrendWorX64 Viewer, AlarmWorX64 Viewer, Energy AnalytiX Viewer, and FDD Viewer controls. Parameters for the Set Time Range command are:

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Set Visibility Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the GraphWorX64 Viewer, TrendWorX64 Viewer, AlarmWorX64 Viewer, GridWorX64 Viewer, Energy AnalytiX Viewer, and FDD Viewer controls. Note that you can apply this command only to grid elements of the Energy AnalytiX Viewer and FDD Viewer controls and that the object type for which you can toggle the visibility with this command depends on the control to which you are applying the command:

Parameters for the Set Visibility command are:

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Show Details

The parameters for the Show Details command are:

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Sort Command

You can create this command within the GraphWorX64 Viewer and Asset Navigator controls. You can apply this command to the AlarmWorX64 Viewer and GridWorX64 Viewer controls.


Parameters for the Sort command are:

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Switch Layout Command

The Switch Layout Command is available through the WebHMI platform. You can configure a dynamic (button, etc.) to switch a display's layout based on the following parameters.


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Write Value Command

The Write Value command writes a value to another tag, a global alias, a language alias, or a conversion value, when a runtime user selects the menu option. For example, you might use this command to give runtime users the ability to switch a machine "off" or to set a thermostat to a specified temperature.  


Parameters for the Write Value command are:

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Zoom Command

Parameters for the Zoom command are:

The TrendWorX Viewer is the only type of control that currently supports this command. In order for a TrendWorX Viewer to "accept" the command properly in GraphWorX64, you need to:

  1. Give the TrendWorX Viewer a Name within the Properties panel and set the Target parameter of the "Zoom" command to match the TrendWorX viewer's new name.
  2. Enable "zoom mode" within the TrendWorX Viewer (accomplished in runtime by double-clicking on the trend to show the "TrendWorX runtime menu," then clicking the magnifying glass button within this menu).

The Unit and Zoom parameters work in tandem to set a desired zoom level. To zoom to a desired percentage relative to the original zoom level, set Unit to "Percentage" and "Zoom" to the desired zoom level percentage (e.g. "100" reverts the viewer to its original zoom level, "50" causes the viewer to zoom in by a factor of 2). To zoom to a desired scale factor relative to the original zoom level, set Unit to "Scale" and "Zoom" to a positive number (e.g. "1" reverts the viewer to its original zoom level, "2" causes the viewer to zoom out by a factor of 2). The "None" and "Level" values of the Unit parameter currently have no effect on the target TrendWorX Viewer.


It's possible to scale only the time (horizontal) or value (vertical) axis of the TrendWorX Viewer by setting the Axis parameter to "Time" or "Value," respectively. To scale both axes by the same amount, leave the parameter at its default value of "Both." Note that it is currently not possible to scale the two axes by different scale factors at the same time with only one pick action (though strategic use of two pick actions should allow you to accomplish this task when needed).


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