HDA to Hyper Historian

ICONICS ConverterWorX is now able to handle the conversion of existing Historical Data Access (HDA) data into a format recognizable by its Hyper Historian data historian product.


When First Launched, the Utility Opens as the 'Auto Configuration Shell'

  1. When you first launch the utility, you'll notice that the application's title bar is listed as 'Auto Configuration Shell', as shown above. From the File ribbon, in the New Project section, click on the HDA to Hyper Historian button. This opens a file explorer window, as shown below, which allows you to navigate to where you have stored your existing Point Map File (*.cpmf).

File Explorer Launched to Navigate to Existing Point Map Files

  1. Once you have selected your Point Map File (*.cpmf), it will populate the converter tool, as shown below - with separate components listed under the Project field. (If collapsed, you can expand the Project field with the carat to its left.) You can then select the components you would specifically like converted in this way by clicking the checkbox to the left of each item. In the image below, the 'Logged Data' has been selected.

Selecting Components for Conversion


Note: At any point, you can click on the 'Change Archive' button in the Operation section of the Home ribbon, as shown above.

  1. When you select a project's Logged Data within the left-side navigation field of ConverterWorX (when using the HDA2HH function), you can also set some Properties, as shown below. These include:

Logged Data Transfer Configuration


Logged Data Properties

  1. When you select Displays within the HDA2HH left-side navigation, as shown below, you can choose to update the associated displays. Click on the ellipsis [...] button to navigate to your Display's root folder. All displays associated with the originally selected Point Map File (*.cpmf) and any added through the GUI, including those in subdirectories, will be updated (via parameters within the Search & Replace tab), during the conversion process.

Display Update Options Field

  1. Before you run the conversion:

Once you have reviewed these settings, start the process by clicking on the Convert button () in the Operation section of the Home ribbon..


Some additional considerations:

See Also:

Auto Configuration Shell/ConverterWorX

Introduction to ConverterWorX

GENESIS32 Conversion Utility

GENESIS32 File Extraction Utility