Publishing Options Dialog Box

The Web Publishing Wizard contains options for publishing display files. This topic describes the options to supplement the discussion in Publishing Display Files to a Web Server. To view these options, click the Communication Settings button in the first step of the Web Publishing Wizard dialog, as shown in the figure below.


Web Publishing Wizard Step 1

Publishing Preferences

The Publishing Preferences tab of the Publishing Options dialog box is shown in the figure below.


Publishing Preferences Tab


On the Publishing Preference tab you can set the following Web publishing properties :

The HTTP Headers Editor

Header information helps communicate with the Web server during publication.

Application Preferences

The Application Preferences tab of the Publishing Options dialog box, shown in the figure below, enables you to specify which features will be available in the published display file.


Application Preferences Tab


A display that is published to a Web server can be configured by a user who downloads the display from a remote client machine.

When Runtime Only is selected from the Control Type drop-down list, the Vertical scrollbar visible and Horizontal scrollbar visible dropdown menus are enabled. Options for each include:

When Runtime Only is selected from the Control Type drop-down list, the following options are also enabled.

Once this box is checked, you have the option to save the following file types:


Desktop - Publish files in .gdfx or .gdfxz formats. Use the text entry field to name the folder location for these file types. If you select either of these formats, you can also choose to Convert Smart Symbols to groups for performance. When checked, any Smart Aymbols associated with the published displays in desktop format (gdfx, gdfxz) are converted to normal objects during the publishing process. The Smart Symbol conversion is only possible with displays in the desktop (GDFX and GDFXZ) formats.


WebHMI - Publish files in .gdfxs or .gdfxsz formats. Use the text entry field to name the folder location for these file types.


MobileHMI - Publish files in .gdfxp or .gdfxpz formats. Use the text entry field to name the folder location for these file types.


Once you have completed your changes to the Publishing Options, click on OK to return to the main Web Publishing Wizard dialog.


See also:

Bulk Publishing

Publishing Display Files to a Web Server

Publishing Wizard

Publishing Displays Using the FTP Channel

WebHMI – Publishing GraphWorX32 Displays via FTP Channel

Web Server Configuration

Viewing Published Files