Multiplying Items in the BACnet Connector

Devices, ports, objects and properties can be multiplied within the BACnet Connector Provider in the Workbench32 configuration/runtime tool.


To Multiply an Item (Device, Port, Object, Property):

  1. Right-click on the desired item (device, port, object, property, etc.) in the Workbench64 Project Explorer, then select "Multiply".

    Select the item (device, port, object, property, etc.) within the Project Explorer in Workbench64 then click on the Multiply button in the Home ribbon at the top of the screen in Workbench64.

  1. This opens the Multiply Options box within Workbench64.

The following Multiply Options may be changed:

[Change for all properties:]

[Multiply properties:]

  1. Click OK to proceed.

See also:

Exploring the Network