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Useful Tips for Working in GraphWorX64

GraphWorX64’s development environment offers a large variety of features and tools at your fingertips. This topic provides helpful hints for using GraphWorX64 and its many features and tools.


Note: This topic does not list everything that is available to you in GraphWorX64. If you are looking for a comprehensive list of all of features, go to the Contents tab (located on the left side of your GraphWorX64 online help) and expand the GraphWorX64 folder. In this folder, you can explore all of the features of GraphWorX64.

Tutorials and Examples

The ICONICS GenDemo has several industry examples that show you ways to put GraphWorX64 to work for you. These demos are stored in the GenDemo library as GraphWorX64 files. You can open them in GraphWorX64 to look at their configurations. The GenDemo also has a number of 2D and 3D Industry Case Studies. The GenDemo also comes with a Learning Center where you can learn more about features in GraphWorX64. The Learning Center is interactive and lets you explore each feature and even provides examples.

Easy Orientation in a Display

The Object Explorer is the GraphWorX64 tree control that lists all of the objects currently defined on the GraphWorX64 display. This includes all of the objects and groups that are visible and editable, as well as those that are hidden. The Object Explorer lists objects in a hierarchical outline; this removes the need for you to drill down through several levels to get an object that is in a group or symbol. You can also reorganize objects by dragging and dropping them inside the Explorer tree. For more details, refer to the Object Explorer topic.


To make the Object Explorer more useful, follow these guidelines:

Cursor Color

Sometimes it may be difficult to see a line and/or shaped cursor when a particular GraphWorX display has a dark background. This can be resolved via a built-in feature of Microsoft Windows. Go to Control Panel > Mouse Properties > Pointers Tab > Scheme > Windows Inverted (system scheme). This will cause the color of the mouse pointer to change based on the color that is behind it, so that it always contrasts with the background.

Show Only What You Need

GraphWorX64 has three application modes you can choose from: Basic, Standard, and Advanced. These modes determine the properties you are exposed to while working in GraphWorX64. You can work in the mode that best suits your needs, preferences, comfort level, and knowledge of GraphWorX64. For more information, refer to the Application Modes topic. (Application modes are sometimes referred to as configuration modes.)


You can also limit what appears on the GraphWorX64 canvas, and quickly go to certain areas of a display, by creating views. This is especially helpful if the display you are creating or working in is especially large or detailed. Note that you can create views for your own use while configuring a display, but these same views can also be tailored to the needs of users who will be running the display. For more information, refer to the topics called Creating 2D Views for Runtime Users and Animating 3D Views at Runtime.

Models and Symbols

These tips will help you add and store objects for use in your displays:

Customizing Your Workspace

You can customize the GraphWorX64 workspace by following these tips:


If you like to take shortcuts, here are some topics that you may find helpful:

Advanced Tools

GraphWorX64 provides tools for more advanced users, too.

See also:

GraphWorX64 Overview

Introduction to GraphWorX64 3D

Dynamics in the GraphWorX64 Interface

Runtime Mode