
The AlarmWorX Multimedia Server subscribes to alarm and event servers and filters those alarms on which multimedia alarming is required. The Multimedia Server then triggers the appropriate multimedia agent, which performs the actual notification. You can configure each multimedia agent to use a schedule. Agent scheduling provides the following:

The scheduling feature in AlarmWorX Multimedia allows you to configure an alarm action set so that an alarm message will be sent to someone only if he or she is available according to his or her schedule. If you wish to use scheduling, you must configure the schedules before setting up your agents or alarm action set. Schedules are located under the System Tools tree control.


Under the Schedules folder on the tree control of the Multimedia Configurator screen, there are group schedules and personal schedules. You must set up a group schedule first, then you can add personal schedules to it. Some example schedules are provided for you by default.


There are two basic ways to use schedules:

Once you set up the time calendars, you can add or exclude specific dates and times from any group or personal schedule.


See also:

Creating a New Schedule Configuration