

Folders can be used to group items logically. You can configure as many folders as required. Each folder can even have subfolders. The Modbus Configurator supports up to three folder levels. The use of folders is not required.


If desirable, the configuration could just contain data items without any folders. But most likely this will only be useful if the application does not demand too many persistent tags.


To Create a Folder:

  1. From the Project Explorer, click on an item within the Address Space node, then Add Folder, as shown below.

New Folder from the Project Explorer




Select an item within the Address Space node in the Project Explorer, then click on the Add Folder button (shown below) in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Folder Button

  1. This opens the New Folder properties in the right side of the configurator, as shown below. In the Folder Name field, specify a name for the new folder.

New Folder Properties



  1. Once you have completed making your settings, click on the Apply (or Apply & Close) button to save your changes and return to the Workbench.

See Also:

Address Space

About Modbus Configurator