Publish Mobile Displays

MobileHMI lets you publish displays just as you publish them in GraphWorX64. MobileHMI has an additional feature that allows you to set one display as the "Landing Page" or default page.



Note: In standard GraphWorX64, the publishing wizard is only accessible from the file menu. MobileHMI lets you access the publishing wizard from either the File menu or the Phone tab on the toolbar.


Complete the Following Steps:

  1. On your computer, open an existing Phone display in GraphWorX64 (or create a new one from File>New Menu in GraphWorX64). Select the Phone tab and click the Publish Mobile Display button in the MobileHMI Configuration ribbon.

Publish Mobile Display Button Selected in the MobileHMI Configuration Ribbon

  1. A 'Save As' dialog will appear simultaneously to the Web Publishing Wizard. You can use the 'Save As' dialog to optionally save the mobile display locally. The following shows the Web Publishing Wizard. Click 'Next' on the 'Publish Your Display on the Web' screen.

Web Publishing Wizard


You have the option as to whether you wish to change the Communication Settings. If not and you would like to use the default settings, click 'Next' to proceed. If so, click on the Communication Settings button. This opens the following window.


Communication Settings Window


You can change the following settings:

  1. The Select File(s) to Publish screen appears. Use the Add/Remove Files button to add files to the Input File(s) section of the window. You also have the option as to whether and how to publish linked files.

Select File(s) to Publish Screen in the Web Publishing Wizard

  1. Click Next to proceed to the Publishing Options section of the wizard.

Publishing Options Section in the Web Publishing Wizard


Display File

When Runtime Only is selected from the Control Type drop-down list, the following options are also enabled.

HTM File

Advanced Multiformat Options


You have the option to publish in multiple formats. You can check the Use Advanced MultiFormat Options checkbox if you intend to publish files in anything other than a standard Desktop format.

Conflict Resolution Priority  - Clicking the plus sign [+] shows the default order of conflict resolution priority (Desktop files first, then Mobile files, then Web files). The order of priority can be changed by entering a new priority number in the text entry field to the right of each file type or by using the up/down arrows.

  1. Click Next to proceed to the Review File(s) To Be Published section of the Web Publishing Wizard. Review the listed files. Use can use the pulldown menu in the top right of the Web Publishing Wizard to scroll to a particular file type, useful when there are multiple files to to be published.

Review File(s) To Be Published Section of the Web Publishing Wizard

  1. Click Next to proceed to the Select a Publishing Location section of the Web Publishing Wizard. Enter the information requested to access your Web Server.

  1. Click Next to proceed to the Enter Access Credentials section of the Web Publishing Wizard. Enter the information requested to access your Web Server. You will also have the option to Save Publish Configuration to a file before proceeding to web publishing.

Enter Access Credentials Section of the Web Publishing Wizard

  1. Click Publish (or Next) to publish the selected files to the server. A message appears that the files have been published successfully to the server or provides information about any warnings or failures in the publishing process. You will also have the option to Save Publish Configuration.

Web Publishing Wizard - Publishing In Process

  1. Click Close to close the Web Publishing Wizard. The selected page will appear as your default in MobileHMI.

See Also:

Welcome to MobileHMI

How to Install MobileHMI

Downloading the Application from Windows Marketplace
