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The Project Documentation wizard helps users to configure a task to generate a document which contains a set of selected reports, along with a front cover.
The task runs on the connected server and analyzes the connected configuration databases in order to collect configured tags. Depending on each individual system, the number of tags involved and sizes of connected databases, this operation may require additional time to complete. Due to the possible time involved, the task is able to run in the background, allowing the user to continue working while creating the report. The 'in-task' status and progress will be shown in the Task Schedule Panel on the right side of the Workbench.
Project Document Button in the Project Reporting Section of the ProjectWorX Ribbon in the Workbench
To Run the Project Documentation Wizard:
Project Document Button
Project Documentation
The General Settings/Report Selection window, shown below, appears.
General Settings/Report Selection
General Settings
Task Description - Provide a description for this individual Project Documentation task in the text entry field.
Project Title - Provide a title for the contained project in the text entry field.
Project Version - Provide a version number for the contained project in the text entry field.
Author - Enter the name of the author of the project in the text entry field.
Select Cover Template - Use the pulldown menu to select an existing cover template to use for the cover for your report. You can also click on the ellipsis button [...] to open a file browser to navigate to your selected template (in RDL file format).
Select the reports for your project documentation - Place a checkmark to the left of the Report Name(s) that you would like to include in your project documentation. All reports are pre-selected by default.
Once you have made your settings, click Next to continue.
The Active Configurations selection screen then appears. Place a checkmark to the left of the active configurations that you would like to include in your Configured Tag report. All active configurations are selected by default. Once you have made your selections, click Next to continue.
Select Active Configurations
The Collected Tag Validation screen appears, as shown below.
Collected Tag Validation
Clicking the Validate collected tags checkbox activates the remainder of the settings, including:
Tags count in batch: - Enter your desired number of tag counts in the batch to be validated in the text entry field directly or use the up/down arrows.
Timeout (msec): - Enter your desired duration for timeout (in miliseconds) in the text entry field directly or use the up/down arrows.
At the end of the operation export the data results into a file - Click this checkbox if you want the validation results to be included in a file following operation of the Project Documentation Report Wizard. The file can be re-imported in the same system or into another system.
Update the system at the end of the operation - Click this checkbox if, following this tag validation, you would like the system to be updated. If not, the results of the operation will not be used to generate reports.
When you have completed your settings, click Finish to proceed.
The Project Documentation Report Wizard then proceeds to create your requested report. Reports are generated asynchronously on the server. You will see the report's status appear in the Task Panel on the right side of the Workbench, as highlighted below.
Project Documentation Task Running
The Task Panel allows you to perform multiple actions related to the generated reports.
You can right-click on the completed project document task in the Tasks Panel for additional options, including Open, Download PDF, Show task explorer, View Log, Retry and Delete Task. [Note: The same right-click options are available when viewing the task within the Task Explorer.]
Right-Click Options for Project Documentation Task in Tasks Panel
Click Open to open the created Project Documentation in a window directly within the Workbench, as shown below. Use the vertical and horizontal scrollbars to navigate through the document.
Project Documentation Opened Within the Workbench
Click Download PDF to download a PDF version of the Project Documentation. The image below shows the PDF opened within Internet Explorer with Adobe Reader. Other PDF readers will allow for different/additional options.
Downloaded PDF Opened Within Internet Explorer Using Adobe Reader
Click Task Explorer to see the status and additional information regarding the selected Project Documentation task, as shown below. Your task may be listed in either the Queued tab (if still running) or Completed tab.
Task Explorer Containing Completed Project Documentation Task
Click View Log to see the log for the Project Documentation task (whether running or completed), as shown below. You also have the option of saving the log to the clipboard or as a PDF document.
Log of the Project Documentation Task
See Also: