Creating a New BACnet Property

BACnet has specified 123 properties of objects. [See Standard 135-2008, BACnet®—A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.] BACnet objects are monitored and controlled through their properties. Three properties [Object-identifier, Object-name, and Object-type] must be present in every object. BACnet also may require that certain objects support specific additional properties. The type of object and the type of device in which that object resides determine which properties are present.


To Create a New BACnet Property:

  1. Right-click on an object in the the Workbench Project Explorer then click on "Add Property".


Select an object in the the Workbench Project Explorer then click on the Add Property button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon at the top of the screen in the Workbench.

  1. The BACnet Property settings will appear in the right pane of the Workbench.

BACnet New Property


Enter a Name and Description in the top text entry fields.


The following Property Settings may be changed:

  1. Click Apply to proceed.

See also:

Exploring the Network