BACnet Configuration Using the Workbench

NOTE: The following describes how to configure BACnet settings via the Workbench.


GENESIS64’s BACnet implementation is an out-of-the-box solution that does not need configuration by default. BACnet devices in a local network are discovered automatically, together with their specific settings and address spaces (provided objects and their properties), which are used for connection.


The steps described below are useful in cases where you need to:

BACnet Settings for Devices


It is important to realize that this BACnet Configuration Provider is used for the configuration of Global BACnet runtime settings; for providing the BACnet runtime connection with information for specific BACnet devices and for driving what information is exposed by BACnet runtime (device, object and property names).

  1. Launch the Workbench.
  2. Click the BACnet icon in the Workbench project explorer.
  3. Once your BACnet configuration opens, you can select Devices by double-clicking on the item and go to the ‘Communication’ tab, then you will see the setting for your devices.

Devices - Communication Tab

  1. Enter the settings for: APDU Timeout, APDU Segment Timeout, and APDU Retries in the ‘Communication’ tab and Default Polling Rate and Default Priority in the ‘General tab’
  1. If you made changes, click the Apply button.
  2. Now, you need to Add a New Device. Right-click on Devices in the Project Explorer and choose Add Device to Database OR click the Add Device to Database button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon. The Device properties will display.

BACnet Device

  1. Type a name in the Name textbox.
  2. Type a description in the Description textbox. This is optional.
  3. Type a device ID in the Device ID box.
  4. You can leave the default polling rate as it is unless you want to override it. If so, then select the ‘Override Default Polling Rate(s)’ checkbox and enter the value (in seconds) in the text entry field. The same goes for 'Override Default Priority'.
  5. Enable Static Binding (optional).
  6. Type a Network number.
  7. You can select a MAC (hex) ID, IP Address or Port number and then enter the required info in the respective text entry field.
  8. Click on the Apply button when you are satisfied with the configuration.
  9. Now, you are going to Create a New Object under your device.
  10. Right-click on your Device and select Add Object or Add Object to Database OR click the Add Object or Add Object to Database button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon. A 'Create Object' window may open, requesting you to select the type of object you'd like to create, as well as create an empty object, specify an instance and/or specify a name. If this occurs, make your selections, then click OK. If not, the Object properties will display.

BACnet Object

  1. Type a name in the Name textbox and provide a Description (optional).
  2. Specify the Object Type in the dropdown menu (Analog Input by default) and specify the right Instance # (usually 1). The Object ID should be generated automatically.
  3. You can leave the default polling rate as it is unless you want to override it. If so, then select the ‘Override Default Polling Rate(s)’ checkbox and enter the value in second. The same goes for 'Override Default Priority'.
  4. Click the Apply button.
  5. Now, you are going to Create a New Property under your object. Right-click on your Object and choose Add Property OR click the Add Property button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon. The Property settings will display.

BACnet Property

  1. Type a name in the Name textbox and a description in the Description textbox (optional)
  2. Type a property number in the Property text box.
  3. You can leave the default polling rate as it is, unless you want to override it. If so, then select the ‘Override Default Polling Rate(s)’ checkbox and enter the value (in second) in the text entry field. The same goes for 'Override Default Priority'.
  4. Click the Apply button.
  5. The last thing you need to do is Create a Port for your device. Right-click on Ports in the Project Explorer and choose Add Port OR click the Add Port button in the Edit section of the Home ribbon. The Port properties will appear.

BACnet Port

  1. Type a name in the Name textbox and provide a Description (optional).
  2. You can then enter the Channel Type, Network #, Adapter and the IP Settings.
  3. Click Apply to confirm.

NOTE: Default BACnet communication is based on IP protocol, where the default port (47808) can be changed (under Ports) if you really need it to be, but, in most cases, you can use the default settings. Also notice that Ports in the Workbench are ICONICS proprietary interfaces created specifically for BACnet communication, where the IP port is not equal to a Workbench port.


See Also:

BACnet Configuration Quick Start

BACnet Client-Server Architecture

BACnet in Workbench64 and GraphWorX64