Save and Load Dashboards


Save a Dashboard

Once you have a dashboard looking the way you'd like, you can go to the Home tab and select Save or Save As to save the dashboard for future use.


When you save a dashboard for the first time or use the Save As option, you can choose the name and these other properties of your dashboard:

Open a Dashboard

To open a saved dashboard, select the KPIWorX logo in the upper left corner, or go to the Home tab and select Open. This will open the Navigation panel, where you can choose a dashboard to load.


Note: If you have unsaved changes when you open a new dashboard, you will be reminded to save your work. If you opt not to save, your changes will be lost.


The Navigation panel can be pinned open using the pin icon on the bottom.


The order of the dashboards in the Navigation panel can be changed by selecting the pencil icon on the bottom then using the up and down arrows next to each dashboard name.

Removing a Saved Dashboard

To remove a dashboard you have already saved, go to the Navigation panel by clicking on the KPIWorX logo, click the pencil icon on the bottom of the panel, then select the X icon for the dashboard you would like to remove.


Note: Removing a dashboard is permanent.

Creating a New Dashboard

To start with a new dashboard, select the Home tab and choose New.


Note: If you have unsaved changes when you create a new dashboard, you will be reminded to save your work. If you opt not to save, your changes will be lost.

Exporting Dashboards

If you ever need to move dashboards to another server, the Pack and Go feature of Workbench can pack up all of your saved dashboards and unpack them on a new machine. For more information on how to use Pack and Go, see Workbench Import/Export.


If you would like to back up or copy a single dashboard, the dashboards themselves are located by default on the server machine at C:\ProgramData\Iconics\KPIXStorage.


Note: If your destination server does not have the same symbol library as your source server, your symbols may look different or be missing after the dashboards are moved. You can prevent this by selecting the Include used symbols into the dashboard file option when saving the dashboard.


See Also:

Load KPI Dashboard Command