The TwxPenModel type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAxis
Pen axis.
Public propertyBadQualityAutoStyle
Automatic bad/uncertain quality style.
Public propertyBadQualityFill
Pen bad/uncertain quality fill.
Public propertyBadQualityMode
Uncertain quality plot mode.
Public propertyBadQualitySampleMarkerSize
Sample bad/uncertain quality marker size.
Public propertyBadQualitySampleMarkerStyle
Sample bad/uncertain quality marker style.
Public propertyBadQualityStroke
Pen bad/uncertain quality stroke.
Public propertyBadQualityStrokeStyle
Pen bad/uncertain quality stroke style.
Public propertyBadQualityStrokeThickness
Pen bad/uncertain quality stroke thickness.
Public propertyCursorValueDataSource
Data source to store value of sample selected by chart cursor.
Public propertyCustomData
Custom data.
Public propertyDataSource
The point name to use as datasource.
Public propertyDescription
Description visible in runtime.
Public propertyFill
Pen fill.
Public propertyFillExpression
Custom expression for dynamic fill color.
Public propertyFitMarginSampleLabels
Fit sample labels horizontally into plot area.
Public propertyFontFamily
Font family for pen labels.
Public propertyFontSize
Font size for pen labels.
Public propertyForeground
Foreground color for pen labels.
Public propertyFormat
Format of sample values.
Public propertyHighHighLimit
High high limit value.
Public propertyHighHighLimitStroke
High high limit stroke.
Public propertyHighHighLimitStrokeStyle
High high limit stroke style.
Public propertyHighHighLimitStrokeThickness
High high limit stroke thickness.
Public propertyHighLimit
High limit value.
Public propertyHighLimitStroke
High limit stroke.
Public propertyHighLimitStrokeStyle
High limit stroke style.
Public propertyHighLimitStrokeThickness
High limit stroke thickness.
Public propertyIdealPenStartTime
Start time of ideal pen.
Public propertyInheritPlotMode
Inherit chart plot mode.
Public propertyIsEnabled
Set to 'true' to enable pen in chart.
Public propertyIsIdealPen
This pen is an ideal pen.
Public propertyLastSampleStretch
Last sample stretch mode.
Public propertyLowLimit
Low limit value.
Public propertyLowLimitStroke
Low limit stroke.
Public propertyLowLimitStrokeStyle
Low limit stroke style.
Public propertyLowLimitStrokeThickness
Low limit stroke thickness.
Public propertyLowLowLimit
Low low limit value.
Public propertyLowLowLimitStroke
Low low limit stroke.
Public propertyLowLowLimitStrokeStyle
Low low limit stroke style.
Public propertyLowLowLimitStrokeThickness
Low low limit stroke thickness.
Public propertyName
Pen name.
Public propertyOpacity
Pen opacity.
Public propertyParameters
Connection parameters.
Public propertyPenMarkerStyle
Pen marker style.
Public propertyPreserveStringValues
Keep text values in string format.
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public propertySampleDecluttering
Use sample decluttering optimization.
Public propertySampleLabelFormat
Custom sample label format.
Public propertySampleLabelHorizontalAlignment
Horizontal alignment of sample labels.
Public propertySampleLabelRotation
Sample labels rotation.
Public propertySampleLabelVerticalAlignment
Vertical alignment of sample labels.
Public propertySampleMarkerSize
Sample marker size.
Public propertySampleMarkerStyle
Sample marker style.
Public propertySampleValueExpression
Sample value expression.
Public propertySecondCursorValueDataSource
Data source to store value of sample selected by second chart cursor.
Public propertySharedAxis
Shared axis name associated with this pen.
Public propertyShowAnnotations
Show annotations.
Public propertyShowInCursors
Show pen in cursor tooltip.
Public propertyShowInLegend
Show pen in legend.
Public propertyShowInSummary
Show pen in summmary chart.
Public propertyShowLimits
Show alarm limits in chart.
Public propertyShowPenMarker
Show pen marker.
Public propertyShowSampleLabels
Show sample labels in plot area.
Public propertyStroke
Pen stroke.
Public propertyStrokeStyle
Pen stroke style.
Public propertyStrokeThickness
Pen stroke thickness.
Public propertySymmetricAutoScale
If the minimum and maximum values are set to auto scale, the range of the axis is set to the highest value below and above zero.
Public propertyTimeShift
Time shift of the pen time axis.
Public propertyTimeZone
Time zone of sample timestamps.
Public propertyTooltipFormat
Format of pen tooltip.
Public propertyTotalizerDivisor
Totalizer divisor.
Public propertyTotalizerEngineeringUnits
Totalizer engineering units.
Public propertyTotalizerUnit
Totalizer unit.
Public propertyUncertainQualityMode
Uncertain quality plot mode.
Public propertyUnits
Public propertyUseRealtimeInterpolation
Use interpolation for realtime datasources.
Public propertyWriteCursorValue
Enable to store value of sample selected by chart cursor.
Public propertyWriteSecondCursorValue
Enable to store value of sample selected by second chart cursor.

See Also