The ExportDataOptions type exposes the following members.


Public propertyColumns
Set of columns to export. Columns are exported in given order
Public propertyEmptyValueAsText
Export empty value as '(null)' text.
Public propertyExportBoundaryPoints
Export auxiliary points outside of visible interval, if there are any
Public propertyExportMilliseconds
Export milliseconds in timestamps
Public propertyExportType
Export type.
Public propertyIncludeHeaders
Enable to add column headers. Default is true
Public propertyRepeatLastValue
Repeat last value if there is no value for current timestamp. Applies only when SortByTime()()()() is enabled. Default is true
Public propertySeparator
Character separating individual records. Default is comma
Public propertySet
Set of pens to export
Public propertySpecificPens
Used only if Set is set to Specific
Public propertyStatusCodeAsText
Export status code as human readable text

See Also