The GdxChartViewModel type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoUpdateSeconds
Time period in seconds to refresh historical data.
Public propertyBackground
Color of chart background.
Public propertyBorderBrush
Color of chart border.
Public propertyBorderThickness
Chart border thickness.
Public propertyChartMode
Specifies how the series are combined together.
Public propertyChartType
The type of the chart. Only Date/Time and Scatter supported.
Public propertyClipPlotArea
Clips the plot area.
Public propertyCursorBackground
Color of the cursor tooltip background.
Public propertyCursorBorderBrush
Color of the cursor tooltip border.
Public propertyCursorBorderThickness
Width of the border around the cursor tooltip.
Public propertyCursorFontFamily
Specifies the name of the default font used to render text for the cursor tooltip.
Public propertyCursorFontSize
Specifies the size of the font used to render text for the cursor tooltip.
Public propertyCursorForeground
Color of the cursor tooltip foreground.
Public propertyCursorFormat
Specifies the format of the text visualized in the cursor tooltip. You can use @@chart.key as a placeholder for the field key (X axis) and @@chart.value as a placeholder for the value.
Public propertyCursorHeader
Specifies the format of the text visualized in the header of the cursor tooltip. You can use %x as a placeholder for the field key (X axis).
Public propertyDataBufferSize
The maximum amount of data downloaded from the server and visualized in the chart.
Public propertyFontFamily
Chart font family.
Public propertyFontSize
Chart font size.
Public propertyFontStyle
Chart font style.
Public propertyFontWeight
Chart font weight.
Public propertyForeground
Color of chart foreground.
Public propertyGridLinesStroke
Grid lines stroke color.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisForeground
Foreground color of horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisMaximum
Horizontal axis maximum.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisMinimum
Horizontal axis minimum.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisOverrideRange
Enable custom range on horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisSortDirection
Sort direction on horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisStep
Custom step for tick marks on horizontal axis. When set to 0 the step is automatic.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisTimeStep
Specifies the gap between ticks on horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisTimeUnit
Specifies the unit used to draw the horizontal axis major steps.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisTitle
Horizontal axis title.
Public propertyHorizontalAxisVisibility
Visibility of horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalGridInterval
Specifies the number of tick marks after which horizontal grid lines are shown
Public propertyHorizontalLabelDegrees
Rotation angle of labels on horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalLabelFormat
Format of the labels on horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalLabelInterval
Specifies the number of tickmarks after which a label is shown.
Public propertyHorizontalLabelOffset
Specifies how many labels are hidden starting from the left and the right of the axis.
Public propertyHorizontalLabelRotate
Specifies if the labels shouls be rotated on the horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalLogarithmBase
The logarithmic base of horizontal axis.
Public propertyHorizontalStriplineFill
Fill color of horizontal striplines.
Public propertyLegendLocation
Specifies the location of the legend.
Public propertyLogarithmBase
The logarithmic base of horizontal axis.
Public propertyOpacity
Chart opacity.
Public propertyPalette
Palette for chart series.
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public propertySeries
List of series.
Public propertyShowBusyIndicator
When set to true shows a popup when the data in the series is loading. When set to false the popup is hidden.
Public propertyShowCursor
Enables the cursor tooltip over the points of the chart.
Public propertyShowGridLinesOnTop
Allow the grid lines in chart view to be drawn over the top of the series. Striplines will be disabled when this property is set to true.
Public propertyShowHorizontalGridLines
Shows grid lines on horizontal axis.
Public propertyShowHorizontalLabels
Shows labels on horizontal axis.
Public propertyShowHorizontalStripline
Shows striplines on horizontal axis.
Public propertyShowLegend
Show/Hides the legend for this chart.
Public propertyShowVerticalGridLines
Shows grid lines on vertical axis.
Public propertyShowVerticalLabels
Shows labels on vertical axis.
Public propertyShowVerticalStripline
Shows striplines on vertical axis.
Public propertyTickMode
Tick mark position.
Public propertyTitle
Chart title.
Public propertyTitleFontFamily
Title font family.
Public propertyTitleFontSize
Title font size.
Public propertyTitleForeground
Title foreground color.
Public propertyUseHorizontalLogarithmicAxis
When set to true, values on horizontal axis are logaritmic.
Public propertyUseLogarithmicAxis
When set to true, values on vertical axis are logaritmic.
Public propertyVerticalAxisForeground
Foreground color of vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalAxisLocation
Location of the vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalAxisMaximum
Vertical axis maximum.
Public propertyVerticalAxisMinimum
Vertical axis minimum.
Public propertyVerticalAxisOverrideRange
Enable custom range on vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalAxisStep
Custom step for tick marks on vertical axis. When set to 0 the step is automatic.
Public propertyVerticalAxisTitle
Vertical axis title.
Public propertyVerticalAxisVisibility
Visibility of vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalAxisWidth
Width for the vertical axis. Disabled when the value is 0. Can be used to align two or more charts.
Public propertyVerticalGridInterval
Specifies the number of tick marks after which vertical grid lines are shown.
Public propertyVerticalLabelFormat
Format of the labels on vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalLabelInterval
Specifies the number of tickmarks after which a label is shown.
Public propertyVerticalLabelOffset
Specifies how many labels are hidden starting from the left and the right of the axis.
Public propertyVerticalStriplineFill
Fill color of vertical striplines.
Public propertyZoomMode
Enables zooming in the chart.

See Also