The GdxChartSeriesModel type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCommand
Show series in legend.
Public propertyCursorFormat
Cursor info format.
Public propertyDataSource
Data source used to retrieve data.
Public propertyFill
Plot fill color.
Public propertyHideZeroValues
Hide samples with zero or empty value.
Public propertyIndex
Z-Index of series.
Public propertyKeyBinding
Name of field in data source that contains keys.
Public propertyLabelsFormat
Sample labels format expression. Available context variables: {{@@chart.key}}, {{@@chart.value}}, {{@@chart.series}}.
Public propertyLogarithmBase
Logaritm base on vertical axis.
Public propertyMarkerFill
Marker fill color.
Public propertyMarkerSize
Marker size in pixels.
Public propertyMarkerStroke
Marker stroke color.
Public propertyMarkerStrokeThickness
Marker stroke thickness.
Public propertyMarkerType
Marker type to select samples in the chart.
Public propertyPlotType
Type of the plot rendered by this series.
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public propertyShowInCursor
Show series info in cursor.
Public propertyShowInLegend
Show series in legend.
Public propertyShowLabels
Show value labels in the chart.
Public propertyShowVerticalLabels
Show labels on vertical axis.
Public propertyStroke
Plot stroke color.
Public propertyStrokeStyle
Plot stroke style.
Public propertyStrokeThickness
Plot stroke thickness.
Public propertyTitle
Series display name.
Public propertyUseLogarithmicAxis
Vertical axis is logaritmic.
Public propertyValueBinding
Name of field in data source that contains values.
Public propertyVerticalAxisLocation
Location of vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalAxisMaximum
Vertical axis maximum.
Public propertyVerticalAxisMinimum
Vertical axis minimum.
Public propertyVerticalAxisOverrideRange
Use custom range for vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalAxisStroke
Custom axis stroke color.
Public propertyVerticalAxisTitle
Title of custom axis.
Public propertyVerticalAxisVisibility
Visibility of custom vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalLabelFormat
Number format of labels on vertical axis.
Public propertyVerticalLabelInterval
Number of tick marks after which a label is shown.
Public propertyVerticalLabelOffset
Specifies how many labels are hidden starting from the top and the bottom of vertical axis.
Public propertyVisibility
Show this series in the chart.

See Also