Looks up a localized string similar to 1) Create the Holiday Time Settings on this tab to determine what to do on each holiday date. 2) Create the Holiday List with dates of all holidays. 3) Assign the Holiday List to a schedule(s) by selecting that list in the Holiday List tab. Then assign Holiday Time Settings to each date on the Holiday List tab. Holiday Time Settings must be assigned to each holiday date in the Holiday List or that date will be ignored.Also, a Time Setting that contains no events will have no effect..

Namespace: Ico.Schwx.Resources
Assembly: SchViewControl (in SchViewControl.dll) Version: (


public static string HolidayTimeSetting_Instructions { get; }
Visual Basic
Public Shared ReadOnly Property HolidayTimeSetting_Instructions As String
static function get HolidayTimeSetting_Instructions () : String

See Also