
Public classSmartTile
Smart Tile Control
Public classSmartTileBackgroundState
Represents a dynamic "background state" for a Smart Tile. A background state is a color/gradient/image and a datasource (tagname) that indicates whether or not the state should be active.
Public classSmartTileBackgroundStateList
A list of SmartTileBackgroundState objects.


Public enumerationSmartTile..::..BackgroundStatesTransitions
Defines the possible animations that can be used when transitioning from one background state to another.
Public enumerationSmartTile..::..ContentPosition
Defines the possible positions of the "content" or "icon" within the Smart Tile.
Public enumerationSmartTile..::..UnitsPosition
Defines the possible positions for the units text relative to the value text.
Public enumerationSmartTileBackgroundState..::..ComparisonType
Available comparison operators for state activation.