
Public classControlExtensions
Control extensions.
Public classDataGridCellControl
Data grid cell control. The main feature of this custom user control is that it gets focus after the user clicks at it. It also remembers the previous control of the same type with focus and deselects it in case a different control was selected.
Public classDataGridPanel
A custom panel for Data Grid cells. This panel is able to display cells in one row with correct column width and in correct column order.
Public classDatePicker
Date picker. The reason why we cannot use the default Calendar control is that after a date is selected, SelectedDate property will contain a new DateTime with a default time being 12:00 AM. In order to keep the original time, this control monitors all SelectedDate changes and passes it to its own dependency property DateTime.
Public classDateTimeChangedEventArgs
DateTime changed event args.
Public classDateTimePicker
Date Time picker.
Public classExpander
The expander control. It takes anything in the Content property and makes it expandable.
Public classGlyphControl
The Glyph control shows different glyphs based upon the content.
Public classNumericTextBox
TextBox that allows only numbers.
Public classNumericUpDown
Numeric edit box with up/down buttons.
Public classPageIndexChangedEventArgs
Page index changed event args - for compatibility with Telerik.
Public classPager
The pager control.
Public classRecyclingItemsControl
Items control
Public classResizableControl
Interaction logic for ResizableControl.xaml
Public classTimePicker
Time picker control.
Public classValidatingTextBox
TextBox that tries to parse the text using the ValueType that is provided


Public delegateDateTimeChangedEventHandler
DateTime changed event handler.


Public enumerationDateTimePickerMode
DateTimePicker mode.
Public enumerationResizableControl..::..ResizerBehaviors
Enum for behaviors when resizing the control