
Public classConditionsRepository
Extends Repository to support StatusCondition
Public classCriteria
This object is used to create custom groups of rows.
Public classDictionariesRepository
A strongly typed StatusDictionary collection.
Public classImageTranslation
This StatusTranslation can be used to show images in the cells of the grid when the related IFilter can be applied
Public classRange
Extends RepositoryList to support Criteria
Public classRangesRepository
Extends Repository to support Range
Public classRepository<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
A generic repository for objects. It's used to store complex objects (such as conditions, ranges, dictionaries) in the ViewControl
Public classRepositoryList<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
An element of a Repository
Public classStatusClause
This class contains a set of properties that defines the style of a row in the DataGrid. The style is applied to the row when the related IFilter is applied as well.
Public classStatusClauseStyle
This class stores a list of properties (or a "Style") used by the StatusClause
Public classStatusCondition
Extends RepositoryList to support StatusClause
Public classStatusDictionary
A strongly typed StatusTranslation collection.
Public classStatusTranslation
Base class for translations. Translations can be used to show custom data in the cells of a column, for example images or localized text
Public classTextTranslation
This StatusTranslation can be used to show custom strings in the cells of the grid when the related IFilter can be applied For example it's possible to use this StatusTranslation to show Human Readable strings instead of simple integer values.


Public interfaceIRepositoryItem
An element of the RepositoryList
Public interfaceIRepositoryListItem
An element of the RepositoryList


Public enumerationStatusDictionaryType
The type of Dictionary
Public enumerationStatusSpeed
Specifies a speed for an event