
Public classAdditionalBrowsePaths
Well-known additional browse paths.
Public classAggregateConfiguration
Represents additional information for reading aggregates.
Public classAggregateTypeNames
Contains built-in aggregate names.
Public classDoneResult
The result of an asynchronous operation.
Public classFwxClientWrapper
Wraps FwxClient for easy scripting access.
Public classHistoryOperationResult
Result of the history delete, update or insert.
Public classMethodCallDoneResult
The result of an asynchronous method call opearation.
Public classMethodCallResult
The result of a synchronous method call opearation.
Public classReadDoneResult
The result of an asynchronous read operation.
Public classSampleValue
A value read from the server.
Public classSampleValueCollection
Collection of the SampleValue items.
Public classStatusCollection
Collection of the Status items.
Public classStatuses
Statuses (qualities).
Public classWriteDoneResult
The result of an asynchronous write operation.


Public structureStatus
Status. Has a similar purpose as OPC quality.


Public delegateLoginDoneDelegate
A delegate for asynchronous login.
Public delegateLogoutDoneDelegate
A delegate for asynchronous logout.
Public delegateMethodCallDoneDelegate
A delegate for asynchronous method calls.
Public delegateReadDoneDelegate
A delegate for asynchronous reading.
Public delegateWriteDoneDelegate
A delegate for asynchronous writing.


Public enumerationEventSeverity
Event severity.