The GdxSeries type exposes the following members.


Public methodApplyChanges
Refreshes the data in the grid
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..ApplyChanges()()()().)
Public methodClearClientSideFilter
Clears client side filter
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodClone
Clones the series
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..Clone()()()().)
Public methodCommitGdxChanges
Submit the changes in the Data manager
Public methodConnect
Connects the series to the datasource
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodContainsFilter
Checks if the filter is used by this viewer
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects the series from the datasource
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodDoConnect
Connects the series to the datasource
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..DoConnect(FwxClient, PointUsageDetails).)
Public methodDoDisconnect
Disconnects the series from the datasource
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..DoDisconnect(Boolean, Int32).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetClientSideFilterKeys
We try to get the list of filter keys subscribed by this view
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetClientSideFilters
We try to get the list of filters subscribed by this view
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetCondition
Gets the comment filter
Public methodGetConditionKey
Gets the DataStyleSelector key
Public methodGetDashArray
Retrieves the dash array associated with this series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetFilter
Retrieves a GdxFilter given its key
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLegendFill
Retrieves the fill for the legend
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetTitle
Gets the title of the series
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVerticalAxisTitle
Gets the title of the series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodIsFilterChanged
Checks if the keys in the ClientSideFilterKeys are the same of the keys specified in the parameter
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodIsGdxDataFiltered
Checks if a row is filtered by the Client Side Filter or not
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodRefreshData
Refreshes the data in the grid
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..RefreshData()()()().)
Public methodSetClientSdideFilterKeys
Sets a list of filter keys
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodSetClientSidefFilters
Sets the list of GdxFilter used to filter out the alarms in the view
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodSetCondition
Sets a DataStyleSelector for this GdxView
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTryGetSeriesRange
Tries to get the overridden range of the series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)

See Also