The DropBehavior type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberGetAllowedDropType
Gets the allowed drop type
Public methodStatic memberGetDropCommand
Returns command for drop action
Public methodStatic memberGetFeedbackUI
Gets the element used in adorner
Public methodStatic memberGetFeedbackUIOffsetX
Gets the x offset of the adorner
Public methodStatic memberGetFeedbackUIOffsetY
Gets the y offset of the adorner
Public methodStatic memberGetIsDraggedOver
Gets the IsDraggedOver property on specific object
Public methodStatic memberGetIsDropTarget
Gets value indicating if object is a drop target
Public methodStatic memberSetAllowedDropType
Sets the allowed drop type
Public methodStatic memberSetDropCommand
Sets command for drop action
Public methodStatic memberSetFeedbackUI
Sets the element used in adorner
Public methodStatic memberSetFeedbackUIOffsetX
Sets the x offset of the adorner
Public methodStatic memberSetFeedbackUIOffsetY
Sets the y offset of the adorner
Public methodStatic memberSetIsDropTarget
Sets value indicating if object is a drop target


Public fieldStatic memberAllowedDropTypeProperty
Property for drop type allowed by the source element
Public fieldStatic memberDropCommandProperty
Command executed when dropping
Public fieldStatic memberFeedbackUIOffsetXProperty
Property for x offset of the drop adorner
Public fieldStatic memberFeedbackUIOffsetYProperty
Property for y offset of the drop adorner
Public fieldStatic memberFeedbackUIProperty
Property for element used in drop adorner
Public fieldStatic memberIsDraggedOverProperty
Property indicating that this element is being dragged over
Public fieldStatic memberIsDropTargetProperty
Indicates if target object should allow this behavior

Attached Properties

See Also