The TwxChartModel type exposes the following members.


Public methodTwxChartModel
Initializes a new instance of the TwxChartModel class


Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAttribute (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodStatic memberGetControlEvents
Gets list of available control events.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasGetter (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodHasProperty (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodHasSetter (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodObtainGetterType (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodObtainPropertyType (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodObtainSetterType (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodSetAttribute (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyAnimationSpeed
Animation speed for trends in real-time mode.
Public propertyAutoTimeAlignment
Let the control automatically set tick marks based on control's size and actual trend period.
Public propertyAxes
List of chart axes, excluding the default axis.
Public propertyBackground
Chart background brush.
Public propertyBadQualityPlotMode
Plot mode for samples of bad quality.
Public propertyChartAreaContextMenu
Context menu for chart area.
Public propertyChartAreaPenContextMenu
Context submenu for pens in chart area.
Public propertyChartInterval
Time interval of trend chart. Always use singular for time unit.
Public propertyChartTimeAxis
Chart time axis.
Public propertyContextMenuInvalidDisplayMode
Display mode for context menu items that are invalid (e.g. no command target).
Public propertyContinuousWriteCursorPosition
When enabled, cursor positions is continuously stored when dragging the cursors.
Public propertyControlEventsConfiguration
Collection of events and their actions.
Public propertyCursorDataSource
Data source of first cursor position. It must be a string data type.
Public propertyCursorJumpToClick
Enable to allow moving cursors by mouse click or tap.
Public propertyCursorSampleSelectionMode
Sample selection method.
Public propertyCursorStroke
First cursor color.
Public propertyCursorTooltipsVisibilityDataSource
Data source of cursor tooltip visibility. It must be an integer data type.
Public propertyCursorWidth
Width of cursor bars.
Public propertyDefaultAxis
Default shared axis.
Public propertyDefaultConnectionParameters
Default connection parameters for pens added in runtime. Does not apply in case the pen already declares its connection parameters.
Public propertyDefaultPenAxis
Default configuration of pen axis for pens added in runtime.
Public propertyDefaultPenAxisEnabled
Enable to apply default pen axis configuration for pens added in runtime.
Public propertyEnableControlEvents
Enable actions and commmands for control events.
Public propertyEnableCursorUserInput
When enabled, user can change cursor positions using keyboard or pointing devices.
Public propertyEnablePenAxisSelection
Enable to show axis of selected pen next to chart.
Public propertyEnableSampleMouseOver
Enable mouse over style of pie and bar samples.
Public propertyExportSettings
Settings for data export.
Public propertyExportStatsSettings
Settings for statistics export.
Public propertyFitMarginLabels
Fit time axis labels into axis area.
Public propertyGeneralDateTimeFormat
General date and time format in tooltips, legend and reports.
Public propertyGridXMajorLineStyle
Style of X major grid lines.
Public propertyGridXMinorLineStyle
Style of X minor grid lines.
Public propertyGridXStroke
Stroke color of X grid lines.
Public propertyGridXStrokeThickness
Stroke thickness of X grid lines.
Public propertyGridXVisibility
Visibility of X grid lines.
Public propertyGridYMajorLineStyle
Style of Y major grid lines.
Public propertyGridYMinorLineStyle
Style of Y minor grid lines.
Public propertyGridYStroke
Stroke color of Y grid lines.
Public propertyGridYStrokeThickness
Stroke thickness of Y grid lines.
Public propertyGridYVisibility
Visibility of Y grid lines.
Public propertyHeight
Chart height.
Public propertyHistoryReadRate
Desired historical data request interval.
Public propertyInheritDateTimeFormat
Enable to inherit date and time format settings from time axis.
Public propertyLegendActiveSelectionBackground
Legend active selection background color.
Public propertyLegendActiveSelectionForeground
Legend active selection foreground color.
Public propertyLegendAreaContextMenu
Context menu for legend area.
Public propertyLegendAreaPenContextMenu
Context submenu for pens in legend area.
Public propertyLegendBackground
Legend background color.
Public propertyLegendColumns
Legend columns.
Public propertyLegendFontFamily
Legend font family.
Public propertyLegendFontSize
Legend font size.
Public propertyLegendHeaderBackground
Legend header background color.
Public propertyLegendHeaderBorder
Legend header border color.
Public propertyLegendHeaderForeground
Legend header foreground color.
Public propertyLegendInactiveSelectionBackground
Legend inactive selection background color.
Public propertyLegendInactiveSelectionForeground
Legend inactive selection foreground color.
Public propertyLegendPosition
Legend position relative to trend chart.
Public propertyLegendRowBackground
Legend row background color.
Public propertyLegendRowForeground
Legend row foreground color.
Public propertyLegendSize
Legend area size.
Public propertyPenAxisSorting
Sorting method used for pen axis selection.
Public propertyPenBufferSize
Maximum pen buffer size.
Public propertyPlotAreaAlternateBackground
Plot area alternate background brush.
Public propertyPlotAreaBackground
Plot area background brush.
Public propertyPlotAreaBorder
Plot area border brush.
Public propertyPlotModels
List of plot models.
Public propertyProperties (Inherited from ModelBase.)
Public propertyRangeAxisAreaSize
Requested size of value range area. When set to zero or empty, the area has automatic size. Enter number of pixels (50) or percents (10%).
Public propertyReadCursorPosition
When enabled, cursor positions are obtained from a data source.
Public propertyReadCursorTooltipsVisibility
When enabled, cursor tooltips visibility is obtained from a data source.
Public propertyReadTimeRange
When enabled, if this chart is in freeze mode, trend range is obtained from time range data source.
Public propertyReadTimeRangeWhenZoomed
Disable to suspend time range updates from time range data source when chart is zoomed.
Public propertySampleMouseOverFill
Mouse over fill of pie and bar samples.
Public propertySampleMouseOverStroke
Mouse over stroke of pie and bar samples.
Public propertySamplingInterval
Sampling interval.
Public propertySamplingMethod
Data sampling method used to generate samples in trend chart.
Public propertySamplingMultiplier
Sample count per major tick mark. Effective only when SamplingMethod is set to Auto and UseTickmarkTimeAlignment is true.
Public propertySamplingTotalCount
Desired total count of samples for each pen in trend chart. Effective only when SamplingMethod is set to Count.
Public propertySecondCursorDataSource
Data source of second cursor position. It must be a string data type.
Public propertySecondCursorStroke
Second cursor color.
Public propertyShowChartContextMenu
Show context menu for chart.
Public propertyShowChartTimeAxis
Show chart time axis panel.
Public propertyShowChartValueAxis
Show chart value axis panel.
Public propertyShowCursorsInFreezeMode
Show time cursors when chart is in freeze mode.
Public propertyShowCursorsInRealtime
Show time cursors when chart is in realtime mode.
Public propertyShowCursorTooltips
Show tooltips when draging a cursor.
Public propertyShowDisabledPens
Show disabled pens in chart and legend.
Public propertyShowGrid
Show chart grid lines.
Public propertyShowInvalidPens
Show pens with invalid datasources in chart and legend.
Public propertyShowLegend
Show chart legend.
Public propertyShowLegendContextMenu
Show context menu for legend.
Public propertyShowLegendHeaders
Show legend grid headers.
Public propertyShowOperatorComments
Show operator comments for pens.
Public propertyShowSampleTooltips
Show sample tooltips.
Public propertyShowSecondCursor
Show second time cursor in chart.
Public propertyShowSummary
Show summary chart.
Public propertyShowSummaryExpandButton
Show summary expand button.
Public propertyShowSummaryPlot
Show summary chart.
Public propertyShowSummaryRangeAxis
Show Y axis for summary chart.
Public propertyShowSummaryScrollbar
Show summary scroll bar below the summary chart.
Public propertyShowSummaryTrendAxis
Show X axis for summary chart.
Public propertySplitter
Splitter brush.
Public propertyStartFrozen
Freeze the chart immediately after entering the Runtime mode.
Public propertySummaryCursorFill
Summary cursor fill color.
Public propertySummaryCursorStroke
Summary cursor stroke color.
Public propertySummaryInterval
Time interval of summary chart.
Public propertySummaryPosition
Position for summary chart relative to trend chart. Only Top and Bottom allowed.
Public propertySummarySize
Summary chart area size.
Public propertySummarySnapMode
Enable to snap summary cursor and scrollbar to closest tick marks.
Public propertySummaryTimeAxis
Summary time axis.
Public propertyTimeAlignedSummaryCursors
If X axis range is declared by time units, dragging summary cursors results in time aligned period.
Public propertyTimeAlignedZoom
If enabled, all zoom operations result in time aligned period.
Public propertyTimeRangeDataSource
Data source of global time range.
Public propertyTimeZonesAlignment
Enable to align all pens by time zone. Samples from different time zones are aligned to current time.
Public propertyUncertainQualityPlotMode
Plot mode for samples of uncertain quality.
Public propertyUseCustomSummaryTrendAxis
Use custom settings for summary chart X axis.
Public propertyUseDefaultConnectionParameters
Enable to fill in default connection parameters for pens added in runtime.
Public propertyUseSharedAxes
Enabled to use shared value axes for pens.
Public propertyUseUTCTimestamps
Show timestamps in UTC.
Public propertyVisiblePenAxisCount
The count of visible pen axes.
Public propertyWriteCursorPosition
When enabled, cursor positions are stored in a data source.
Public propertyWriteCursorTooltipsVisibility
When enabled, cursor tooltips visibility is stored in a data source.
Public propertyWriteTimeRange
When enabled, actual trend range is stored in time range data source and can be shared with other controls.
Public propertyZoomFill
Fill color of zoom selection.
Public propertyZoomMode
Enables mouse free zoom.

See Also