The GdxSeries type exposes the following members.


Public methodGdxSeries
Default constructor


Public methodApplyChanges
Refreshes the data in the grid
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..ApplyChanges()()()().)
Public methodClearClientSideFilter
Clears client side filter
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodClone
Clones the series
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..Clone()()()().)
Public methodCommitGdxChanges
Submit the changes in the Data manager
Public methodConnect
Connects the series to the datasource
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodContainsFilter
Checks if the filter is used by this viewer
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects the series from the datasource
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodDoConnect
Connects the series to the datasource
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..DoConnect(FwxClient, PointUsageDetails).)
Public methodDoDisconnect
Disconnects the series from the datasource
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..DoDisconnect(Boolean, Int32).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetClientSideFilterKeys
We try to get the list of filter keys subscribed by this view
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetClientSideFilters
We try to get the list of filters subscribed by this view
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetCondition
Gets the comment filter
Public methodGetConditionKey
Gets the DataStyleSelector key
Public methodGetDashArray
Retrieves the dash array associated with this series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetFilter
Retrieves a GdxFilter given its key
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLegendFill
Retrieves the fill for the legend
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodGetTitle
Gets the title of the series
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVerticalAxisTitle
Gets the title of the series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodIsFilterChanged
Checks if the keys in the ClientSideFilterKeys are the same of the keys specified in the parameter
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodIsGdxDataFiltered
Checks if a row is filtered by the Client Side Filter or not
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodRefreshData
Refreshes the data in the grid
(Overrides GdxSeriesBase..::..RefreshData()()()().)
Public methodSetClientSdideFilterKeys
Sets a list of filter keys
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodSetClientSidefFilters
Sets the list of GdxFilter used to filter out the alarms in the view
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public methodSetCondition
Sets a DataStyleSelector for this GdxView
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTryGetSeriesRange
Tries to get the overridden range of the series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)


Public propertyAllValues
A list of the values represented by this series
Public propertyAvailableColumns
The list of the available columns for this series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyChart
The Chart that contains this Series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyClientSideFilterKeys
For internal use only. Not for customer use

The key for the filter used in Runtime

(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyCommand
The command executed when an element of the series is clicked
Public propertyCursorFormat
How the data is displayed in the cursor for this specific series
Public propertyDashArray
The dashes of the line
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyDataCache
We need to cache the data when loading is completed, so we can calculate the values whenever we want, even if the datamanager is still loading
Public propertyFill
Color, Gradient or Pattern for the Foreground of the series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyHideCursorFormat
Hides the cursor information for this specific series
Public propertyHideZeroValues
Removes Zero Values from the chart
Public propertyIndex
Specifies the Z-Index of the series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyIsLoading
Specifies if the series is loading the data
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyKeyBinding
The binding for the keys of the datasource
Public propertyLogarithmBase
The logharithmic base of the Vertical Axis when UseLogharitmicAxis is set to true
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyMarkerFill
Color, Gradient or Pattern for the Foreground of the marker Fill
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyMarkerSize
Size of the marker
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyMarkerStroke
Color, Gradient or Pattern for the Foreground of the marker stroke
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyMarkerStrokeThickness
Thickness of the marker border
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyMarkerType
The type of the marker used to hightight the points for this series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyPlotType
Specifies the type of the plot rendered by this series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyShowLabels
Shows or hides the labels of the axis associated with this series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyShowLegend
Shows or hides the labels on the vertical axis
Public propertyShowVerticalLabels
Shows or hides the labels on the vertical axis
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyStroke
Color, Gradient or Pattern for the Foreground of the series line
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyStrokeThickness
Thickness of the series line
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyTag
The data source used to retrieve the data for this series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyTitle
The title of the series eventually used in the cursor
Public propertyUseLogarithmicAxis
When set to true the values on the Y axis are logharitmical
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyValueBinding
The binding for the values of the datasource
Public propertyValues
A list of the values represented by this series (doesn't contain Zero samples if needed)
Public propertyValuesCache
A list of the values represented by this series
Public propertyVerticalAxisBrush
Color, Gradient or Pattern for the Foreground of the vertical Axis lines, labels and title
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalAxisLocation
The location of the Vertical axis
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalAxisMaximum
A specific maximum range on the vertical axis. . Ignored when VerticalAxisOverrideRange is set to false.
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalAxisMinimum
A specific minimum range on the vertical axis. . Ignored when VerticalAxisOverrideRange is set to false.
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalAxisOverrideRange
Forces the chart to have a fixed range on the vertical axis
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalAxisTitle
The title of the vertical axis
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalAxisVisibility
Visibility state of the vertical Axis
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalLabelFormat
String Format of the vertical labels. Here you can find the most common number format
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalLabelInterval
Specifies the number of thickmarks after which a label is shown
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVerticalLabelOffset
Specifies how many labels are hidden starting from the top and the bottom of the axis
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)
Public propertyVisibility
Shows or hides the entire series
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)


Public eventPropertyChanged
Fired when a property in this control changes
(Inherited from GdxSeriesBase.)

See Also