The AwxDataGridViewModel type exposes the following members.


Public methodAwxDataGridViewModel
Initializes a new instance of the AwxDataGridViewModel class.


Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExportData
Exports the data to.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodGetColumnIndexByIndex
Get the AWX column by index.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodGetColumnIndexByText
Get the AWX column by text.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetPropertyName``1 (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Public methodGetSelectedItems
Gets the selected items.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLoadFilterValues
Loads the filter values.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged(String) (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged``1(Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(UMP>)>>)>)>>)) (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Public methodRefresh
Refreshes this instance.
(Overrides DataGridViewModel..::..Refresh()()()().)
Public methodRefreshCommandsCanExecute
Refresh all command's CanExecute status.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodResetFilters
Resets the sort.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodResetSort
Resets the sort.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Protected methodSetAndNotify``1(UMP%, UMP, Expression<(Of <<'(Func<(Of <<'(UMP>)>>)>)>>)) (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Protected methodSetAndNotify``1(UMP%, UMP, String) (Inherited from BindableObject.)
Public methodSetSecAllowColumnResize
Sets a value indicating whether security allows column resize.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodSetSecAllowFiltering
Sets a value indicating whether security allows filtering.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodSetSecAllowGrouping
Sets a value indicating whether security allows grouping.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodSetSecAllowSorting
Sets a value indicating whether security allows sorting.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodSortByIndex
Sorts the items.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public fieldRefreshCommandAction
Refresh command action delegate.


Public propertyAllowColumnReorder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether allow column reorder.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyAllowColumnResize
Gets or sets a value indicating whether allow column resize.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyAllowExport
Is export allowed?
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyAllowFiltering
Gets or sets a value indicating whether allow filtering.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyAllowGrouping
Gets or sets a value indicating whether allow grouping.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyAllowPaging
Gets or sets a value indicating whether paging is allowed.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyAllowRefresh
Public propertyAllowSorting
Gets or sets a value indicating whether allow sorting.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyAutoExpandGroups
Gets or sets a value indicating whether groups should be automatically expanded.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyBackground
The background of the grid.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyCanAdd
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can add.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyCanContentScroll
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the content can scroll.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyCanEdit
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can edit.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyCanRemove
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can remove.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyColumns
Gets the columns.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyCommands
Gets the commands.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyContainer
Gets or sets the parent.
Public propertyCsvReportSeparator
CSV report separator.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyCurrentUICulture
Gets or sets the current UI culture.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyDataAccessManager
Data Access Manager for executing commands
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyDataManager
Gets or sets the data manager.
Public propertyDateTimeFormat
Gets or sets the date time format.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyDefaultDataGridHeaderFilterOperator
Gets or sets the default header filter operator.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyDefaultHeaderFilterOperator Obsolete.
Gets or sets the default header filter operator.
Public propertyDoubleFormat
Gets or sets the double format.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyEnableAcknowledge
Enable ACK.
Public propertyEnableSelectionEffect
Enable selection effect.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyErrorMessage
Gets or sets the error message.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyExecuteHyperlinkCommand
Gets or sets the sort command.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyExportToCsvCommand
Export to CSV command.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyExportToHtmlCommand
Export to HTML command.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyExportToTxtCommand
Export to TXT command.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyExportToXmlCommand
Export to XML command.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyForceSingleColumnSort
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyForeground
The foreground of the grid.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyFrozenColumnCount
Allows to freeze one or more columns in the grid
Public propertyGridItems
Collection that converts the tree-like ItemsView structure into a flatlist.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyGridLinesVisibility
Gets or sets the grid lines visibility.
Public propertyGroupHeaderBackground
Gets or sets the group header background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyGroupHeaderBorderBrush
Gets or sets the group header border brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyGroupHeaderBorderThickness
Gets or sets the group header border thickness.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyGroupHeaderForeground
Gets or sets the group header foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyGroups
Gets the groups.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHasChanges
Does the DataGrid have any pending changes?
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderBackground
Gets or sets the header background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderBorderBrush
Gets or sets the header border brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderCellBorderThickness
Gets or sets the header cell border thickness.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderFontFamily
Gets or sets the header font family.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderFontSize
Gets or sets the size of the header font.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderForeground
Gets or sets the header foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderMouseOverBackground
Gets or sets the header mouse over background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderMouseOverBorderBrush
Gets or sets the header mouse over border brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderMouseOverForeground
Gets or sets the header mouse over foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderSelectedBackground
Gets or sets the header selected background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderSelectedBorderBrush
Gets or sets the header selected border brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeaderSelectedForeground
Gets or sets the header selected foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHeadersVisibility
Gets or sets the headers visibility.
Public propertyHorizontalGridLineBrush
Gets or sets the horizontal grid line brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHorizontalGridLineThickness
Horizontal grid line thickness.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHorizontalScrollBarHeight
Horizontal scroll bar height.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyHorizontalScrollBarVisibility
Gets or sets the horizontal scroll bar visibility.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyInactiveSelectionBackground
Gets or sets the inactive selection background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyInactiveSelectionForeground
Gets or sets the inactive selection foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyIsBusy
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid is busy.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyIsColumnHeaderVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is column header visible.
Public propertyIsInitialized
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is initialized.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyIsLoading
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid is busy.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyIsLoadingData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid is loading data.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyIsPagerEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pager is enabled.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyIsPagerVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is pager visible.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyIsRowHeaderVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is row header visible.
Public propertyIsScrollAsynchronous
Should the scrolling update the view immediately, or after the user finishes the action?
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyItems
Gets the items.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyItemsView
Gets the items view.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyKpiKey
KPI key.
Public propertyMaxCommandScope
Maximum command scope.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyMouseOverBackground
Gets or sets the mouse over background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyMouseOverForeground
Gets or sets the mouse over foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyPageIndex
Gets or sets the current page.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyPageSize
Gets or sets the size of the page.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyRecycleAddItemCommand
Occurs when the item is added to the ItemsControl.
Public propertyRecycleRemoveItemCommand
Occurs when the item is removed from the ItemsControl.
Public propertyRowHeaderBackground
Gets or sets the row header background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyRowHeaderBorderBrush
Gets or sets the row header border brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyRowHeaderBorderThickness
Gets or sets the row header border thickness.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyRowHeaderForeground
Gets or sets the row header foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyRowHeight
Gets or sets the height of the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyRowNumberHeader
Gets or sets the row number header.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyScrollBarBackground
Gets or sets the scroll bar background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyScrollBarBorderBrush
Gets or sets the scroll bar border brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyScrollBarForeground
Gets or sets the scroll bar foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyScrollBarMouseOverBorderBrush
Gets or sets the scroll bar mouse over border brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyScrollBarMouseOverForeground
Gets or sets the scroll bar mouse over foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyScrollBarMousePressedForeground
Gets or sets the scroll bar mouse pressed foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertySelectedRow
Last selected row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertySelectedRows
Gets or sets the selected rows.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertySelectEntireRow
Select the entire row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertySelectionBackground
Gets or sets the selection background.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertySelectionCommandColumnKey
Selection command column key. Determines which column holds the command to be executed when the row is selected.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertySelectionForeground
Gets or sets the selection foreground.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertySelectionMode
Change the way the row are selected (i.e. one row only, or multiple rows at the same time)
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyShowDashedGridLines
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show dashed grid lines.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyShowGroupHeader
Gets or sets a value indicating whether show group header.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyShowHeaderFilters
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show header filters].
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyShowHorizontalGridLines
Is the horizontal grid line visible?
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyShowPopup
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the popup should be shown.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyShowRowNumber
Gets or sets a value indicating whether show row number.
(Overrides DataGridViewModel..::..ShowRowNumber.)
Public propertyShowVerticalGridLines
Is the vertical grid line visible?
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyStyle
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyToolTipColumnKey
Tooltip key.
Public propertyToolTipKey
Tooltip key.
Public propertyTotalPages
Gets or sets the page count.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyUseGridItems
Set to false to skip using GridItemsCollection.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyVerticalGridLineBrush
Gets or sets the vertical grid line brush.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyVerticalGridLineThickness
Vertical grid line thickness.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyVerticalScrollBarVisibility
Gets or sets the vertical scroll bar visibility.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)
Public propertyVerticalScrollBarWidth
Vertical scroll bar width.
(Inherited from DataGridViewModel.)


Public eventPropertyChanged (Inherited from BindableObject.)

See Also