Running in Internet Explorer

GENESIS64 contains WebHMI features that allow connecting any clients via Internet Explorer v7 (or higher), even on machines based on 32-bit operating systems. This topic details the steps necessary to setup this remote communication.


Server Side Settings


We will assume that you have the standard GENESIS64 samples and the standard Workbench project that come with the GENESIS64 installation. All necessary settings are set during the product installation.


Workbench is a centralized configuration and runtime tool. You can open items from the tree control by default located on the left side of the Workbench. You can also open more items on different tabs and organize them so that the view suits your needs best.


Client Side Settings


GENESIS64 supports remote configuration through Microsoft Internet Explorer. The remote computer can even be a 32-bit operating system. You’ll need to download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 or above. A location is listed below, from which you can download your required version:

Once you have the .NET framework installed, you need to add your GENESIS64 Web Server to the trusted sites of the client machine. You can use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to configure the .NET Framework security:

  1. Open Internet Explorer Options, and go to the Security tab.

  2. Selected the Trusted Sites option and click on the “Sites” button to add the Web sites http://MyGENESIS64Server and Web sites stated below to the Internet Trusted Sites.

  3. Modify .NET Framework security using the Caspol utility. The utility is automatically installed with the .NET Framework and does not require any SDK. The location of the executable is in Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727. Open the command prompt and do the following:

    1. Execute the following command line:
      caspol -cg Trusted_Zone FullTrust (this will apply the permission set “FullTrust” to the Zone “Trusted” )

    2. If you want to check whether the permission set has been correctly applied, you can run the command line:
      caspol –lg

  4. Repeat Step 3 above for .NET Framework64 if you would like to run ICONICS Gadgets on the client. The folder location is Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727

  5. At this point verify you can connect to the GENESIS64 server by navigate to http://MyGENESIS64Server. You should see a default welcome site from your IIS7 server.

  6. Next, navigate to http://MyGENESIS64Server/GENESIS64/WebSites/PubDisplay/Workbench.htm to run GENESIS64 Workbench in your Internet Explorer. When the components are downloaded, you should see the workbench.

  7. If your client is using x32 operating system, follow this step, otherwise, you can skip to the next step. Find the applicationHost.config (usually in \\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config) and open it with a text editor. Find the line:

<add fileExtension=".config" allowed="false" />


and change the allowed to true. The changed line should look like:


<add fileExtension=".config" allowed="true" />

  1. If you press F11, Internet Explorer goes to the full screen mode, this way you can hide the IE navigation and menu bar. Note that in this way you can work with GENESIS64 Workbench using all features as if it were installed locally on a 64-bit operating system. As pointed out before, you can also open GraphWorX64 display in Runtime or load the configuration tools inside Workbench. This allows you to view and maintain all displays even with 3D objects in it.

  2. Similarly you can open GraphWorX64 Runtime in a separate IE window by navigating to http://MyGENESIS64Server/GENESIS64/WebSites/PubDisplay/GwxRuntime.htm or load the GraphWorX64 configuration tools by navigating to http://MyGENESIS64Server/GENESIS64/WebSites/PubDisplay/GwxConfiguration.htm