Retrieving Advanced Security Information

GENESIS64 Security allows you to set individual rights and access based on users and groups, create named policy settings that can be applied to users and groups, control access to individual applications, features, systems, and more based on time settings if you wish.


One feature that is integrated into GENESIS64 Security and GraphWorx64 is the ability to query the level of access the logged-in user has on a Data Point, Alarm, File, etc. This functionality lets you secure GraphWorX64 further and even incorporate these values into expressions or dynamics.


This topic describes several advanced features of GENESIS64 security including showing the logged-in user through a GraphWorX64 Local Simulation variable, retrieving the level of access the current logged in user has on a Data Point, Alarm, and File, as well as show you how to verify the custom string against the logged in user.

Setting up Security

We will create one user in GENESIS64 Security that will be used in the examples for the rest of this topic.

  1. Create a new user called TestUser.
  2. For the steps, it will be assumed the “Allow these operations” for all tabs has an * in it. If it does not, please do so now.
  3. On the Points tab enter *Setpoint* in the “Deny these operations” section and remove the check mark from the Write column as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Security Points Configuration

  1. On the Alarms tab enter *Pump* in the “Deny acknowledgement of these alarms” section.
  2. On the Files tab enter *Supervisor* in the “Deny these” section and remove the check mark from the Create and Modify columns as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Security Files configuration

  1. On the Custom tab enter customString in the “Deny these operations” section.
  2. Click Apply to save your changes.

NOTE: The * (asterisk) wildcard is used to represent zero or more characters. For more information, refer to Wildcards and Performance Optimization.


For more information on setting up, refer to the GENESIS64 Security - Quick Start topic.

Displaying the Current Logged-In User

There is a local simulation variable available in GraphWorX64 that retrieves the current logged-in user.

  1. Open a GraphWorX64 display.
  2. Add a Process Point to the display.
  3. For the Datasource enter localsim::currentUser
  4. Enter runtime and the Process Point should show something similar to Figure 3.

Figure 3 - localsim::currentUser in a PPT


You could then retrieve the logged-in User from a script by getting the value of this Process Point. Please refer to the Scripting - Quick Start topic for more information on scripting.

Retrieving Read, Write, and Modify Permissions

Once you have security configured, you can view what level of access the current user has by using a special syntax available to GENESIS64. The syntax is:


?Category:comparison string


The Category can be any of the following

The “comparison string” is basically any text that follows such as an OPC tag or a simple string. For example the following are valid ways to retrieve the level of security for an alarm called “LowPressure” and an OPC tag from the ICONICS Simulator OPC Server:





With the proper syntax in place, the following truth table shows the possible values this special security syntax can return. The resulting values are the decimal representation of the binary bits being true.


Table 1 - Permission Results


NOTE: Depending on the category you are trying to access (DataPoint, Alarm, File, etc.) the Modify and Write/Create may not apply.


Let's now bring the above topics together with an example we started to configure in the previous section.

  1. Open a GraphWorX64 Display.
  2. Add a new Process Point using each of the following Datasources:




  1. Put the display in runtime and you should see values similar to the ones in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Results in GraphWorX64 Runtime


Keep in mind that the Deny permissions take precedence over the Allow when manually calculating these values. If you have been following this example, then there should be an * in the allow fields of each tab to allow everything by default. Feel free to experiment further with different combinations of Read, Write, and Modify permissions.

Checking Custom String from a GraphWorX64 Script

If you are familiar with GraphWorX64 scripting you should be able to easily see if the current logged in user by trying the steps below. Please refer to the GraphWorX64 Scripting topics for help; for example, refer to Scripting - Quick Start.

  1. Open a GraphWorX64 Display
  2. Add a button that will use the Run Script command and give the script a name.
  3. In the Script Editor, you will want to use the ThisWindow.IsCustomSecurityAllowed(“customString”) function. Similar to the example below.

var result : Boolean = ThisWindow.IsCustomSecurityAllowed("customString");


  1. This should display a message box with a value of “false”.

See also:

Security Overview

GENESIS64 Security - Quick Start