
You can monitor your license status using the License Viewer, which is a special configuration of the MonitorWorX utility. Use the License Viewer to see the status of ICONICS products installed on your computer.


To Open the License Viewer

  1. Open the Workbench, then click on the Tools ribbon.

  2. Click on the Licensing button, shown below, in the MonitorWorX64 section of the Tools ribbon.

Licensing Button

The License Viewer will appear beneath the Project Details section of the Workbench. Each of the License Monitor tabs (Overview, GENESIS64, Data Connectors, AnalytiX, AlarmWorX Multimedia, and Diagnostics) is illustrated and described below. For additional help using this tool, refer to Reviewing Your Licensing, below.


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Overview Tab

The Overview tab displays the nature of your license (whether it is a demonstration license or a paid license), and how the tags are configured.


Overview Tab in License Viewer


The tab lists the following information:

To see the machines where a feature or product is in use, use the Diagnostics tab.


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The GENESIS64 tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each GENESIS64 feature that is individually licensed.


The GENESIS64 Tab in License Monitor


The In Use Standard column displays the number of standard license workstations where the GENESIS64 feature is currently running. The Total Standard column displays the number of standard license workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The In Use Reserved column shows the number of reserved user licensed workstations where the product is currently running as an application. The Total Reserved column shows the number of reserved user licensed workstations that the reserved user license allows for the same purpose (See Reserved User License). The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that the 'In Use' and 'Total' columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab; it is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


To see the machines where a GENESIS64 feature is in use, use the Diagnostics tab.


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Data Connectors Tab

The Data Connectors tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each data connector that is individually licensed.


The Data Connectors Tab


The In Use column displays the number of workstations where the feature is currently running. The Total Standard column displays the number of additional workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that In Use and Total Standard columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab. It is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


To see the machines where a feature is in use, use the Diagnostics tab, described just below.


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AnalytiX Tab

The AnalytiX tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each ICONICS AnalytiX feature that is individually licensed.


The AnalytiX Tab


The In Use Standard column displays the number of workstations where the AnalytiX feature is currently running. The Total Standard column displays the number of additional workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that In Use Standard and Total Standard columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab. It is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


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AlarmMMX Tab

The AlarmMMX tab, illustrated below, lists license information for each AlarmWorX Multimedia feature that is individually licensed.


The AlarmMMX Tab


The In Use column displays the number of workstations where the AlarmWorX Multimedia feature is currently running. The Total Standard column displays the number of additional workstations that can run the feature in accordance with the license. The Total column displays the number of workstations that can run the feature per the ICONICS license agreement. Note that In Use and Total Standard columns contain counts that were current at the time displayed in the Information Updated at Time field on the Overview tab. It is possible that connections have been added or removed since then.


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Diagnostics Tab

The Diagnostics tab, illustrated below, lists the ICONICS application features that are currently running, and the node where each is running. Any node that is running a licensed feature while pointing to the licensed server is included in the list. Use this tab to locate the nodes that are consuming license counts for this server's license.


The Diagnostics Tab


You can use the Filter by Node Name drop-down list to isolate the listing to just one node. Clicking the Export Diagnostic button opens a dialog box you can use for saving a diagnostic log file; you can email the log file to ICONICS Technical Support for help diagnosing your licensing issue.

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Reviewing Your Licensing

At any time, you can use the License Viewer to review the license status of ICONICS products installed at your company.


To Open the License Viewer

  1. Open Workbench, then click on the Tools ribbon.

  2. Click on the Licensing button, shown below, in the MonitorWorX section of the Tools ribbon.

Licensing Button

The License Viewer will appear beneath the Project Details section of the Workbench.


The License Viewer, Displayed in the Workbench


The tab that displays initially is the Overview tab, where you can see general information about the license for the server that the node points to. You can view license information for GENESIS64, AnalytiX, and OPC Servers product features by using the tabs for those products. To locate the nodes where individual product features are consuming the server's license counts, use the Diagnostics tab.


Here are some tips for troubleshooting licensing issues:

See Also:

