Time Synchronization

To Synchronize the Device's Time:

  1. From the Workbench, expand your Project in the Project Explorer, then expand Data Connectivity.

BACnet Provider in the Workbench

  1. Expand the BACnet node and then the Devices node. Right-click on the device for which you wish to synchronize the time (or on the Devices node itself, as shown below), then click on Time Synchronization, as shown below.

Time Synchronization from Project Explorer




Select the device for which you wish to synchronize the time (or on the Devices node itself), then click on the Time Synchronization button, shown below, in the Tools section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Time Synchronization Button

  1. The Time Synchronization window appears, as shown below.

Time Synchronization window

  1. Click on the Execute button to start the time synchronization. The following window will appear to let you know that the time synchronization has succeeded.

Time Synchronization - Succeeded


See Also:

Create a BACnet Device