Sankey Diagram

Sankey Diagrams help illustrate flow between different sources and destinations. They can be added to GraphWorX64 displays using the Controls ribbon. Sankey Diagrams are usable in desktop (WPF) and HTML5 displays.


Sankey Diagram Example


The Sankey Diagram expects a dataset with three columns, a source, a destination, and a weight. In runtime, the diagram will intelligently draw the correctly weighted lines between each source and destination. Optionally, gains and losses can be visualized. The colors and shapes of the nodes and links can be extensively customized, if desired. The control supports all of the features of modern ICONICS controls, such as a customizable context menu and commanding support. There is also a Sankey Diagram widget available in KPIWorX.

To Add a Sankey Diagram:

  1. Open GraphWorX64, then click on the Controls ribbon and then on the Sankey Diagram control. The cursor will turn into a crosshairs "+", which will allow you to draw the size of the Sankey Diagram control you would like in the center display portion of the GraphWorX64 configuration window. Simultaneously, the GraphWorX64 ribbon will change to allow modification to the Sankey Diagram settings.

Sankey Diagram Control Added to GraphWorX64 Configuration

Sankey Diagram Ribbon Controls

Sankey Diagram Ribbon


Sankey Diagram





The Style section of the Sankey Diagram ribbon allows you to select a pre-set colored Sankey Diagram combination for your selected control. Click the button to cycle through provided options row by row within the Style section of the ribbon or click on the button to view all of the options.

  1. Click on the Configure button or double-click directly on the Sankey Diagram control. This brings up the Confirmation window, shown below.

Configuration Window


Configuration Window - GENERAL Tab






The Sankey Diagram is one of many controls that now supports executing commands on events. These events vary per control.


To configure the command to be executed when this event occurs, go to Runtime tab. Find the Commands on Events section, check Enable Commands on Events, then configure the form below.


See Platform Services > Commanding > New: Execute Commands on Events for more details.


Configuration Window - FIELDS Tab





Click on the plus button [+] to enter an item in the Fields section. You can delete an item in the Fields section by selecting it then clicking on the minus [-] button. You can move an item within a list in the Fields section by selecting it then clicking on either the up or down arrow buttons. You can duplicate an item in the Fields section by selecting it then clicking on the button.  You can generate fields from the list of data columns by clicking on the button.


Configuration Window - FILTERS Tab


Click on the plus button [+] to enter an item in the ITEM FILTERS section. You can delete an item in the ITEM FILTERS section by selecting it then clicking on the minus [-] button. You can move an item within a list in the ITEM FILTERS section by selecting it then clicking on either the up or down arrow buttons. You can duplicate an item in the ITEM FILTERS section by selecting it then clicking on the button.  

Click on the plus button [+] to enter an item in the Expressions section. You can delete an item in the Expressions section by selecting it then clicking on the minus [-] button. You can move an item within a list in the Express section by selecting it then clicking on either the up or down arrow buttons. You can duplicate an item in the Expressions section by selecting it then clicking on the button.  


Click on the plus button [+] to enter an item in the GROUP FILTERS section. You can delete an item in the GROUP FILTERS section by selecting it then clicking on the minus [-] button. You can move an item within a list in the GROUP FILTERS section by selecting it then clicking on either the up or down arrow buttons. You can duplicate an item in the GROUP FILTERS section by selecting it then clicking on the button.  

Click on the plus button [+] to enter an item in the Expressions section. You can delete an item in the Expressions section by selecting it then clicking on the minus [-] button. You can move an item within a list in the Express section by selecting it then clicking on either the up or down arrow buttons. You can duplicate an item in the Expressions section by selecting it then clicking on the button.  


Configuration Window - BINDINGS Tab





Configuration Window - NODES Tab







Configuration Window - LINKS Tab







Configuration Window - RULES Tab




Click on the plus button [+] to enter an item in the NODE RULES section. You can delete an item in the NODE RULES section by selecting it then clicking on the minus [-] button. You can move an item within a list in the NODE RULES section by selecting it then clicking on either the up or down arrow buttons. You can duplicate an item in the NODE RULES section by selecting it then clicking on the button.  



Click on the plus button [+] to enter an item in the LINK RULES section. You can delete an item in the LINK RULES section by selecting it then clicking on the minus [-] button. You can move an item within a list in the LINK RULES section by selecting it then clicking on either the up or down arrow buttons. You can duplicate an item in the LINK RULES section by selecting it then clicking on the button.  



Configuration Window - STYLE Tab






Configuration Window - RUNTIME Tab


Sankey Diagram



The Sankey Diagram is one of many controls that now supports executing commands on events. These events vary per control.


To configure the command to be executed when this event occurs, go to Runtime tab. Find the Commands on Events section, check Enable Commands on Events, then configure the form below.

  1. Click on the Apply button to save your recently made settings. Click OK to close the Configuration window and return to GraphWorX64 display configuration.

See Also:
