MobileHMI Devices

New devices are now supported with ICONICS MobileHMI V10.8! These devices include phones and tablets from Microsoft, Apple and Google and run off of WinRT and HTML5. Check the list below to see which mobile devices are fully supported.


ICONICS MobileHMI Devices


ICONICS MobileHMI V10.8 supports Windows Phone 8 (Nokia 920), Windows SurfaceRT and Windows Surface Pro from Microsoft, as seen below.

For more information on installing MobileHMI on these devices refer to the Windows Marketplace - Tablet or Windows Marketplace - Phone topics.


Windows Phone 8 - Nokia 920


Windows Surface RT



Windows Surface Pro


ICONICS MobileHMI V10.8 supports the iPad 2, iPadMini and iPhone 4S/5 from Apple, as seen below.

For more information on installing MobileHMI on these devices refer to the Apple Store topic.


iPad 2


iPad Mini



iPhone 4S/5


ICONICS MobileHMI V10.8 supports the Amazon Kindle Fire, Samsung GalaxyTab and Samsung GalaxyPhone from Google (Android), as seen below.

For more information on installing MobileHMI on these devices refer to the Google Play Store topic.


Amazon Kindle Fire


Samsung GalaxyTab



Samsung GalaxyPhone


See Also

How to Install MobileHMI

Configuration/Phone Ribbon Menu

Downloading the Application from Windows Marketplace
