Create a New Mobile Display

GraphWorX64 displays and templates contain the animation and human-machine interface controls you use for monitoring and controlling equipment and assets at your company. GraphWorX for Mobile interactive technology creates walkthroughs and tutorials for users with faster displays and data downloads and includes an extensive help topic on Creating Displays.


In MobileHMI, you use the following file extensions when creating and saving GraphWorX64 templates and displays:

In GraphWorX64, click the "File" tab on the top right above the Ribbon. Then, go down and click on "New Settings." This will bring up the dialog box to create a new display.


GraphWorX64: New Settings


Once in the dialog box, select the settings appropriate to your device.


New Display Settings


Display Type

Display Properties



Select display size from a set of basic display property presets. This section provides icons of preset device settings, as shown below. Clicking on the button expands this section in order to view all included preset devices. Hovering over a device icon provides its name, screen resolution and aspect ratio.


Device Presets






Define custom basic display properties.


Custom Properties


File Name and Location

After you have created the new phone display or template you can follow the links below to see how to publish phone displays and change faceplates.

See Also

Welcome to MobileHMI

How to Install MobileHMI

Downloading the Application from Windows Marketplace

Support for GDFX File Format

Azure-based Push Notifications
