
Home > Hyper Historian > MergeWorX > Creating Triggers > Alarm Triggers


Alarm Triggers

To Add an Alarm Trigger:

  1. Open the Workbench and expand the Actions node and then the Triggers node. Right-click on the Alarm Triggers node then click on Add Alarm Trigger, as shown below.

Add Alarm Trigger from Project Explorer in the Workbench




Select the Alarm Triggers node then click on the Add Alarm Trigger button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.


Add Alarm Trigger Button

  1. This opens the New Alarm Trigger Properties, shown below.

New Alarm Trigger Properties


Enter a name in the Alarm Trigger Name text entry field.

General Tab

General Settings

Trigger Settings

Alarm Subscription

Click on the Configure subscription fields and mapping link. This will open the Add/Remove fields from the subscription window, shown below.


Add/Remove fields from the subscription Window (Server Fields Tab Shown)

Server Fields Tab

In the left side of the window, expand the selections to select from the BaseEventTypes. When a BaseEventType is selected, you'll be able to see the associated Event/Alarm Types, Field Names, and Field Types. Click the checkbox to the right of each field that you would like to include in the subscription. You also have the option to Select/Unselect all (via separate checkbox in the bottom right of the window). Click on OK to accept your changes and return to the New Alarm Trigger Properties. Your selected fields will now appear in the Alarm Subscription section.

Virtual Fields Tab

Virtual Fields Tab

Click on OK to accept your changes and return to the New Alarm Trigger Properties. Your selected fields will now appear in the Alarm Subscription section.


Once you have updated the Alarm Subscription section, shown below, you can enter an individual Tag (via the text entry field or clicking on the button) and set their Min. Severity, Max. Severity and Alarm Type (via pulldown menu to select All, None, Simple, Tracking, Condition, Simple & Tracking or Simple & Condition).


Alarm Subscription Section Updated

Related Values Tab

Related Values Tab


You can enter up to 20 values.


Click on the Click to add Multiple Tags link to open the data browser to navigate to your selected tags.


Or, click on +Click here to add new item to add individual tags.

  1. Once you have completed your settings, click on Apply to save them and Close to return to the Workbench. Your configured Alarm Trigger will now appear in the Project Explorer.

See Also:
