
Home > Common Tools > Assets (AssetWorX) > Product Configuration > System properties > Units Node > Defining Units of Measure


Defining Units of Measure

Units are the measurement standards that your meters use for temperature and energy consumption (such as kilowatt hours, kilowatts, gallons, and liters) as well as the currency standards you use to measure energy consumption cost. You need to define all of the units that will be used in your asset tree.


You need to define the following types of units:

You need to predefine each of the units you plan to use while configuring Energy AnalytiX functionality within your assets. You can complete this process by following the steps described below.


To Define Units for Use in Energy AnalytiX:

  1. Open the Workbench.

  2. In the navigation tree, expand your project, then, under the database tree node, expand Product Configuration > System Properties and click on Units. The Units tab displays, and looks something like the example shown below.

Units Tab under System Properties

  1. Define a new unit by clicking on the Click here to add new item row. This enables the row so you can enter a Name, Display Name, and Description. Refer to the Units Node topic for detained information about these columns.

  2. To add another row, press the Tab key, and then repeat the prior step.

  3. Additional information that might help you use this tab:

  4. When you are done, click Apply to save the changes that you have made or click Apply & Close to save all changes and close the tab.

See also:

Quick Start with Energy AnalytiX