Multiplying Items


The Configurator allows you to multiply items in the tree control. Multiplication provides a simple way of developing configurations where there are many similar items in a given category.


To Multiply an Item:

  1. Select the item in the tree control that you wish to multiply.

  2. Right-click the item and select Multiply from the pop-up menu, as shown below.

Multiply from Item Node




Select the item in the tree explorer, then click on Multiply from the Edit menu, as shown below.


Multiply from Edit Menu




Select the item in the tree explorer, then click on the Multiply button in the Data Manipulation Buttons toolbar, as shown below.


Multiply from Data Manipulation Buttons Toolbar

  1. This opens the Multiply Item dialog box, shown below.

Multiply Item Dialog Box

  1. Click the OK button to do the multiplication. The example configuration shown in the Multiply Item dialog box above creates three new items with the following names:

See Also:

Edit Menu