Configure Application(s) settings


The Configure Application(s) settings button, shown below, in the Tools section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench allows users to view and configure project application settings.


Configure Application(s) settings Button


Clicking this button opens the selected project's properties beneath the Project Details section of Workbench, as shown below.


'MyProject' Project Details

General Settings

Unified Database

If you did not initially select to use a Unified Database during product installation, you can opt to do so here.

Project Applications

This section allows you to select or deselect which available applications ("providers") will be shown within the Tree Explorer in the Workbench for the selected project. A checked box to the left of the application's Name field means that it will be shown.

Right-clicking within the Project Applications section allows you to:

Right-Click Options in the Project Applications Section of the Configure Application(s) Settings


See Also:

Tools Section of the Home Ribbon

Home Ribbon
